Chapter One The Creation

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The first words I ever heard were "Wow! What a bang!" And suddenly, I was alive.
   I oozed out into the world for the first time. The air on my skin felt delicious. Ticklish.
   Fingers picked me up. They seemed friendly. I curled closer and was lifted into the air. It felt good to be stretched out.
   Ah! And the feeling of being dropped. I came into contact with something smooth and hard-the floor-and suddenly I exploded with motion.
   I'd found my calling. I was born to bounce.
   My creator squeked and squeaked. I knew that he was as happy with me as I was with myself.
   Buy suddenly a flash of light exploded around me. I had to escape. As I hit the basement walls i realized I was trapped.
   I wanted to be free, to bounce as high and as far as I pleased. The more I bounced around the room, the more it became like an itch.
   I bounced frantically until I found a place where the floor rose into the air a little bit at a time. Stairs, of course. I bounced higher & higher. And then I bounced against something clear and smooth and hard that gave way around me with a crash.
   Freedom! There was no limit to how high I could bounce. There was only the sky above me and the ground below. I felt like nothing could stop me.
   I burst through another smooth, hard surface. Glass, is called. There were other humans making singing sounds. Screamy, scared, nervous sounds. I kept on going.
   I sailed through a window screen. My whole self splatted against it, and I separated into tiny pieces.
   It didn't hurt a bit! In fact, it felt delightful to be bouncing in lots of different places at once. I could be everywhere-or almost everywhere-at the same time! Each bit of me was aware of every other bit.
   Then an angry creature, shaped like my creator, swatted at me frantically. Suddenly he jumped on me, as if to stamp out my life.
   He went flying to one side and crashed into a wall. I almost felt sorry for him. But he looked so funny I wanted to laugh.
   It was time to be moving on. I bounced back to the creature that made me.

      Oof! The next thing I knew, I had crashed through another window

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   Oof! The next thing I knew, I had crashed through another window. My creator cuaght me in some sort of mitt-a catcher' s mitt. He crowed triumphantly, happy that I had come back to him.
   "You know what we've got here?" he cried.
   "Flying rubber," a strange, mettalic voice replied. It was the thing that had flashed that powerful light at me-Weebo, the Professor replied. "That's right. That's what it is! Flubber!"
   I snapped back and slammed into my creator's head, knocking him off his feet. But he held tight.

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