Watching Mac

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~ Stella POV ~

Mac walks out of the elevator. I can tell he didn't sleep well last night - no big surprise there - but there's a fire in his eyes more intense than I've ever seen.

"Mac! I heard Adam found your daughter!"

"Yeah." He stopped, and his eyes softened a little. "She's in the hospital," he added, unnecessarily.

"Yeah, I thought about visiting her."

"She'd like that."

"We've finished our case. We're going to help find him."

"Thanks, Stel."


~ Adam POV ~

"Boss." I stand up as Mac walks in. He said he wanted to talk to me this morning.

"Adam." He looks at the clock. "You're here early."

"Yes sir. I thought, maybe, you know, all the help you could get - but if you don't need me here that's fine, I just thought you might, and I thought I'd be here just in -"


"Yes boss."

Mac tells me to sit.

"I want to thank you for finding Elizabeth. I - I was worried for a time that - that we'd never find her. If you hadn't followed your instincts and gone into the next room, we might not have." He pauses for a minute, and I see a tear spill over.

"I'm not going to lecture you about going into areas we haven't checked now, but next time, don't go without backup."

"Yes boss."

"If there's ever anything I can do for you, let me know."

"Yes, sir." I stand to go, and I'm at the door before I decide to ask. 

"Boss - Mac?"

He's sitting behind his desk now.


"Do - do you think Elizabeth would mind if I visited her?"

He smiles a little.

"She wouldn't mind, I'm sure."


~ Flack POV ~

We're all watching Mac today. Naturally, we're all following the evidence, but we're watching Mac. He's not the type to tamper with evidence, but he is the type to potentially do something stupid to get it. We're all watching him, just to be safe.


"Mac. How's Elizabeth?"

"She'll be all right. It might be awhile, but..."

"I was thinking I'd drop by at the end of my shift, see how she's doing."

He smiles. "Everyone seems to have the same idea today. Liz would love it if anyone dropped by. I'm sure your visit would cheer her up."


He then asks me if we have any updates, which we do, and he smiles grimly.

"Okay. It's something, but not quite enough. If this is him, I want a solid case. Head to his apartment, see what you find. Later I'll see about asking Elizabeth if she recognizes him."

"We'll get him, Mac."

He nods, he walks away, and I frown. Mac's not himself, he won't be until we get this guy.

We will get him.

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