Chapter three.

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Oh Evangeline, why do you ignore me?


We ended up sticking the polaroid on the fridge, magnetic buttercups holding it up. James was proud of his so called artwork, I on the other hand was not.

"Does it have to be there?" I begged and pleaded at him to take it down, "Free ice cream for a month," he persuaded, "Any kind." I've always been one to fall into empty promises; so I agreed. I could tell that he was mentally fist-pumping the air.


I wasn't really going to give Evangeline free ice cream for a month– only if she asked– but not voluntarily, no way!

"James is there a beach near here?" I heard Evangeline question, shuffling next to me. I pondered for a minute about what I should say. "Shouldn't you be looking after the house?" She huffed and put her legs on my lap, making the book in my hand almost go flying. "Beaches are way better then being stuck inside all day!" She sighed. She had only been here for four days and was already a pro at convincing me.

"If you're not ready in an hour, I'm leaving without you." I said, sounding more defeated then threatening. A smile spread upon her face and she flung her arms around me, "Thank you!" I nodded and she turned around, her feet practically thumping the stairs. "You'll fall over if you do that!" I yelled, as if on queue hearing a loud bang from her room, "I'm okay!"

Holding back a fit of laughter, I got up to try and find the surfboard– maybe today won't be so bad after all.

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