chapter 2

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Look at the picture, please!
N/n - nickname

Y/n p.o.v

I was walking up a mountain with snakes, boulders and bees jeez poor kids that go through this, just kidding I don't care, I reach the building and go see karasuma so he can tell me the details of our deal
Karasuma: so you finally decided to show up?
Y/n: I had to travel from another city, rent an apartment, get my things ready and plan an assassination... take it easy on me
"fine fine, anyway, I already told you about the creature now I'm gonna tell you about the deal,if you kill the creature, we give you the money and quit any charges against you" karasuma said
"And if I don't kill the octopus?" I asked "we'll throw you in jail until we kill you off" karasuma threatened "wow you really think you can catch me? Even out in the open I've ran away from the government" I smirked, karasuma glared at me and just walked out telling me I should get to class.
I get to the door and knocked 'time to put up my fake persona' the octopus teacher opened the door
"ah so the new student finally decided to show up" he said and I hear the kids inside the classroom yelling "¡New Student?!" followed by whispers like "how do you think the new student is?" "Do you think the new kid is a boy or a girl?" "Hopefully it's a girl with big melons!" 'thank god i'm a boy' I walked in and all the whispering stopped
I put up a convincing smile "my name's y/n l/n but you can just call me y/n, nice to meet you all!" I said
'he's prince charming!' the girls thought "by the way teacher, is it true real bullets don't hurt you?" I asked
"Of course it is"
"Mind proving it to me?" I said taking out a gun with a bullet looking BB "It is true, see?" He shoots the gun and it blows of the tentacle "Whaaat?!" I take out the knife from my sleeve and hurt his chest a little since he jumped back, I go at him and cut off another tentacle, he jumped to the ceiling and I shoot the gun at him blowing five more tentacles before he flew out from the classroom
"fucking coward" I say out loud
I looked at the class and saw everyone staring wide eyed at me except a guy who's red hair stood out
"What?" I barked at them and they looked away, I took a seat next to the red head since it was the only one left

After a few minutes koro-sensei came back in the classroom looking around and finally settled in his desk "w-well I welcome you to our class, y/n-kun" he stuttered "what's that koro-sensei? Scared of a 16 year old kid?" I teased
" N-no! You just cought me off guard!"
I could only chuckle at his excuse, I can tell this will be an interesting experience.

~Time skip~ still your p.o.v

It's finally lunch time so I get out of my cell *cough* I mean the classroom and sat down against a tree deep in the forest when I received a phone call
A/n whenever y/n is talking to someone over the phone he deepens his voice to keep his identity
Y/n: hello?

Karma's p.o.v

I'm resting on a tree branch when I see y/n sitting down below me, I was about to scare him but then his phone started ringing so I decided to just hear the call "hello?" y/n said deepening his voice
"entonces si cerramos el trato?" y/n said in what I assumed was spanish, damn it if he's gonna talk like that I'm not going to understand a thing
"Ok entonces te mando un guey pa Guadalajara a recoger la merca, pero si no llega, mando a mis compas a dispararles el puto cráneo, cabron" and then he hung up, I'm gonna have to google translate that later

Y/n p.o.v
I finished the phone call right before that red head jumped of the tree
"Who was that y/n-kun?" He asked
"No one of your concern, period head"
"I would prefer if you called me karma, sweetheart" karma said
"I'm gonna keep calling you that nickname, the only difference is that I'll be aware of your actual name"
"Wow, what a jerk" karma said sarcastically "I know bitch... *Sigh* how much did you hear?" I asked
"Hear what, n/n?" Karma teased
"My phone call, how much did you hear?" I say grabbing him by the collar "hey chill man, I heard everything but I didn't understand shit" I let him go and went back to the classroom I don't have time to deal with him, I have an assassination to plan


Entonces si cerramos el trato? = So we seal the deal?

Ok, entonces te mando un guey pa guadalajara a recoger la merca, pero si no llega mando a mis compas a dispararles el puto cráneo, cabron= Ok, then I'll send a man to guadalajara to pick up the merch, but if it doesn't arrive I'll send my men to shoot your fucking skulls, bitch
End of the second chapter
Let me know what you think, it'll really help me get better

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