Chapter 3

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Another day at work,Gavin sits at his desk filing papers. Connor walks in and up to Gavin. "Hello detective." " again...what do ya want?" Gavin sighed. "We have a homicide to investigate." Connor said looking at Gavin. Gavin got in the car,cranking it up,"Get the phck in already."Gavin said,a bit cranky with out his coffee. Connor got in,telling him the address. They soon arrive to their destination,with a bunch of police cars and a destroyed house. They walk in looking at all the bodies and blood. Gavin walks around,while Connor takes a blood sample. Gavin sees Connor, "Uhm what the phck?"Gavin's eyes widen. "Oh I can take blood samples in real time,sorry I didn't mean to disturb you." Connor stands up,adjusting his tie. "Ah,exactly..thought you were just a cannibal or somethin." Gavin laughed a bit. Connor smiled a bit,while he slowly built a friend relationship with Gavin. After they got done investigating they headed back to work,writing papers on what they've found. Work was finally over after a few hours. Again Gavin and Connor went out side and Gavin grabbed cigarette then lit it. "Ya know,you're pretty cool tin can." Gavin said as he put the cigarette in his mouth. "You're pretty neat yourself,detective." Connor said smiling a bit. They talked for an hour or so and then it began to get dark. Gavin headed home in a pretty good mood,As Connor left to go home.

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