[00 ¤ thanos is coming]

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FLAMES BURNED BRIGHTLY, casting shadows on the ruined and blood splattered walls of the recently demolished ship

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FLAMES BURNED BRIGHTLY, casting shadows on the ruined and blood splattered walls of the recently demolished ship. It threw some brightness on the scattered, mauled bodies of the Asgardians in the surrounding and all consuming darkness.

In the dim, malevolent light, a beaten figure was seen, his body bent over in pain. The Black Order loomed over him, their faces blank and bodies relaxed, utterly indifferent to the massacre they had just caused and the lives they had recently ended.

A few feet away from the sweat soaked and panicked Loki, the infamous Thanos lifted up Thor in the air. The purple Titan brought the god's exhausted, broken body to the ground again, his feet crumpling underneath him as the mad Titan finally let him fall back.

Gazing down at the mighty, fearsome God of Thunder, looking at his bleeding, ruined mouth, his broken, dislodged nose that oozed blood, Thanos couldn't help but feel underwhelmed. All the hype surrounding Thor had proven to be false.

He had known that he, Thanos, would be victorious but he had expected more of a fight from the other, expected the legendary Thor to have a spark of life that refused to go out easily and would fight tooth and nail, with all his spirit, before being extinguished and finally letting darkness and death take him.

And that hadn't happened.

It had been like blowing out a match, easy and quick, no resistance, no fire.

"Pathetic." The Titan muttered quietly before stepping on the limp, near unconscious man.

His heavy foot crushed down on the man's stomach and he heard Thor inhale harshly, as the air was stolen from his lungs and he desperately tried to regain his breath.

Thanos didn't look back and instead, made his way to his children, the Black Order, and the two-faced brat Loki.

Thanos towered over the cowering Loki, his gaze steely but calm, calculated. To his credit, the small god didn't avoid the much bigger male's eyes but looked directly into them.

"It was a waste to bring you back, Asgardian. Give me the Tesseract." Thanos finally spoke aloud, his voice echoing around the lifeless ship and bouncing off the silent, steel walls.

Loki remained still, though his eyes shot fire at the Titan and it was Thor who spoke.

"We don't have the Tesseract. It was destroyed on Asgard." The broken god spat out. Thanos gave a wan smile, his eyes still trained on Loki.

"I think not."

Loki gave no visible reaction, searching the purple Titan's eyes. The endless darkness, the utter loss of sanity and the overwhelming placid, almost serene madness in his eyes made Loki realize he was dealing with an unbelievably dangerous threat.

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