Then Marry Only One

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It was both Daniel and Damia who shared the credit for the reservation in the Lover's Café. In actuality though, it was more Damia if one were to be scrupulous on the details. She had called, pleaded, pulled her contacts ensuring a table was ready for them, and it had to be the patio. She was insistent that it went her way and the manager who apparently had a soft spot for her, seeing how she took care of his niece when she was warded once for appendicitis, was very accommodating. It is not customary for doctors to exchange favors as such, but this was the Lover's Café and though she didn't bring up the past over the phone, it was implied that he owed her one.

The manager welcomed them all personally and walked each of them to their tables whenever they arrived. Damia and himself took a little time for some small talk; just about work and his niece and what she was up to. 'Something different about you, Doctor,' he couldn't quite guess but there was a unlikeness he could sense in how she handled herself. There was a hint of melancholy, a deep sadness that glowed in that wide smile of hers. It only got more obvious when he asked about her family, to which she passed an even wider smile and casually replied, 'they're good.'

Daniel sat opposite Jenny, closest to the edge of the table, where they just casually smiled and nodded at each other. Tzen showed up and sat next to Jenny. 'Been a while, Tzen.' Daniel greeted, to which Tzen bobbed his head and grabbed his seat only to start meddling with his phone. He seemed to have been lost in his own thoughts, cracking his neck every now and then, his eyes always shifty and tired looking. Jenny took out her phone and giggled a little after reading a text. Daniel noticed Tzen doing the same right after her. He didn't like it but he knew he wasn't a child. 'Tonight is for Ram,' he told himself and dismissed his paranoia.

Damia drew out the chair next to Daniel, adjusted her long skirt, and made herself comfortable next to him, opposite a very frenetic looking Tzen still meddling with his phone, trying his best to avoid eye contact, mumbling under breath and smiling to himself. Only one chair remained empty and that was for the guest of honor at the very edge of the table. Then eventually, Ram showed up.

'Hey guys,' he masked his excitement with a sombre undertone, grabbed his chair to sit and greeted his friends. Jenny couldn't resist. 'Hey, I'm sorry,' and immediately got up to give him a hug. She was almost tearing but still trying to hold it in.

'Hey, it's ok,' Ram waited until she herself pulled away, dabbing some tissues over her eyes. 'You certainly do have an ugly crying face,' he tried to get her laughing and it worked, contagiously to everyone else on the table.

'So, Damia. Been a while since we spoke. How's everything? The husband, the kids?' Ram initiated. The waiter just handed them their menus and by reflex, she held hers up to her nose. She knew she heard him but took an awkward minute for herself until she realised how rude she was being. 'I'm sorry Ram. It's alright I guess,' and there was that smile again.


Two week before, on a regular Thursday just two days after Daniel had heart broken, another friend of theirs was going through problems of her own. Damia had just finished a long day-shift, and her husband was about to begin his. He sang his little Atirah a lullaby and after feeding her some of her mother's re-warmed milk, he hoped to God that she would finally fall asleep in his arms on the rocking chair. Exhausted, he was about to fall asleep as well.

'Sayang(My love),' Damia snapped her fingers before him instantly waking him up. He was happy to see Atirah snoring in his lap as her mother graceful took her from him and held her, blankets and everything close to her chest. The baby started to fidget, as she was wide-awake again, head slowly turning toward her mother's bosom.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2018 ⏰

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