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Emma POV:

"Please" I heard my hushed voice break the silence seconds before his lips would have touched mine. He didn't move, neither did I, we just froze and I waited for his response.

"Please what Emma?" He asked in a short whisper and I felt tears forming behind my closed eyes. I felt his forehead come to rest against mine and I could tell he was just as confused with his feelings as I was. I knew I loved Wyatt, with all my heart, but there was still somehow a small piece reserved for Devon, feelings that would never leave. I couldn't tell if that was a blessing or a curse.

"Please no, we can't" I finally said and I felt him nod in agreement. But there was still that wanting, almost a need, to see if anything was still there. I moved back and opened my eyes, not really wanting to see him because I knew my resolve would weaken. "Think of Lilie and Wyatt" I continued, mostly to myself, but he nodded again and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. I stood up slowly and looked at my feet, not wanting to just leave but not knowing what to say.

"Look, I'm sorry" He started but I quickly cut him off.

"It wasn't you, if anything it was a joined effort" My attempt at a joke made Devon smile and I cracked a small smile as well. He stood up and walked over to me, putting a finger beneath my chin and forcing me to look him the eyes. He paused for a moment and just stared into my eyes, and I felt absolutley naked beneath his stare. It was as if he could see everything that made me, me. Although it was unnerving, it was a comfortable feeling, for some reason I still trusted this man.

"Once more?" He asked. "For old times sake? Just so we know?" I knew exactly what he wanted, no not wanted, desperatly needed to know. I nodded and slowly, keeping his finger beneath my chin, he brought my lips to his.

A tear rolled down my cheek as everything I had known but not wanted to admit, came true.

Wyatt POV:

My keys rattled in the door and I twisted the door handle, pushing the door inwards. I opened my mouth to call for Emma but the words froze in my mouth. They stood in the middle of the livingroom floor, intertwined, oblivious to the world. My bags fell to the floor and a loud crash made them break apart both turning to the door. Emma's face fell into one of shock and sorrow and Devon's turned to one of stone.

"Wyatt" she cried out and I put up a hand as if to physically push the words away. I turned my head to floor, not only to block out the image presented but to hide the tears filling my eyes. I slowly picked up my bags and turned around in the doorway and walked back out the door, closing it behind me. As I walked back to the car, numb in shock, I willed my beautiful Emma to come flying out the door to explain how it was all a misunderstanding and I could forgive her. And it would be okay.

"Please Emma" I whispered as I sat in my car watching the door of the apartment, holding the key to the ignition and hoping, praying, she would appear. Finally, my hope dwindled and I started the car and drove away. The image of the two of them still fresh in my memory.

Emma POV:

I fell to the ground in a heap as he slowly walked back out the door and got back in his car, he walked slow, in shock. I would be as well if I had just walked in on my fiannce kissing her exfiannce. The words in my mind made me feel sick, and I was the one who committed the crime. Tears streamed from my face and they fell onto my rounded stomach, making dots on the colored tank top I was wearing. I looked up at Devon to see him staring at me, looking at the tears.

"Well aren't you going to stop him?" He asked me in a defeated tone. I looked at him blankly and then realized what he was talking about. Thats why he was walking so slowly, he wanted me to stop him. I stood up quickly and had to stop. My head spun and I fell, almost in slow motion back to the ground. I felt Devons hands try to grab me but only just barely graps me before I landed on my back on the floor.

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