Infinite's Motive

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If you ask me,of course I know it have been a year after the game released. But until now, what we know about Infinite is that he's the leader of the jackal squad, a squad full of thieves and treasure hunters. I'm just confused over the motive why Infinite become Eggman's right hand. There's so many conclusion here that I can give you a few of theories :

1. Brain washing

There's a possibility that Infinite is being brain washed by Eggman himself. He probably give Infinite a serum or something or Eggman give him a offer of power and richness which always blinded Infinite eyes himself. Which results of course :Brain Washing. In Social Study is known as Suggestion. Someone who get a suggestion mostly never think twice. Eggman gave him a big chance and of course Infinite won't waste it. This theory can be more stronger if Infinite have an an economical issues inside the squad. Eggman uses this as a chance with give Infinite a tons of money. As for a serum, we know Eggman is a genius. There's a probility that Infinite is injected with a brain washing serum.
Which make Infinite lose his mind and follows Eggman's commands without doubt. Even though I believe this is not the case.

2. The Phanthom Ruby's effects

As I see so many youtube videos about Infinite. Most of them says that the Phanthom Ruby can be the reason why Infinite acted like that. When the first time he have a contact with the ruby itself, He sees illusions of Eggman's dreamland and after that he become pratically being controlled by the Ruby. You see when Infinite have a prototype phanthom ruby in his chest. There's a dark red aura surrounded him. This kind of aura often asscociated with being mind controlled. Phanthom Ruby was believed that it has a mind of itself. It can be true since in Sonic Mania the ruby can make a portal and acted individualy without a user. The other theory that the Phanthom Ruby is acted like a Super LSD. Which make Infinite lose his mind and acted outside his will. This can be the reason why he's so cold blooded and ruthless. But there's still a downside of the theory. It's kinda outdated.

3. Infinite's Mentality

Infinite become really devastated because he can't found his squad. This kind of emotional struggle can end up making him do a bad desicion. You see, in a certain page of the comic, he's looking for his squad at the forest. But he can't find no one. Which this make Infinite upset and think that the squad didn't care him anymore. After that, he calls Eggman and accept the over.
This can be the actual reason. As we remember how much he cares his squad. This even written at the Sonic wiki. His lost makes him angry and frustated. This maybe the reason why he accept the offer.

So after this three theories, what theory did you like. Tell me a the comments. This Tia and have a nice day  :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2018 ⏰

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