Windy hill & Him

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She's awake, but she can't open her eyes like there's tons of bricks in her eyelids. Despite her closing eyes, her mind already wander around, evaluating last night practice, reviewing everything she's done lately 'til the tip of her mind almost made her remembering him. She's expertly divert her mind to something else, the luxury she will had today for not having any schedule, it's her day off, she will do what she pleased, or so she thought.

After taking a while for tossing and turning around in the comfort of her blanket and cozy bed, she reluctantly open her eyes. Reaching for her phone in the bed-stand, she saw some message but had no will to reply. Scrolling to see some feeds on her twitter & see his post, she immediately close her phone, taking several deep breath and open it again to see him. She missed him, even though she's trying not to, and it's not helping that her mind already tease her to remembering him since the moment she gained her consciousness.

She's opening the curtain on her bedroom, seeing the sky is blue and clear, a good weather to strolling around. She decided to do so. Don't know where she would go but she will going out alone today, she will feed her mind and soul. She's actually a deep thinker despite of her playful demeanor, she's such a melancholic despite her spontaneous easy going personality.

She's rummaging her closet trying to feel on what to wear. She's accidentally hold on to the beige knit sweater which she had it couple with him, suddenly she felt like by wearing it she could feel him with her, and right there she knew what she would do today, she would remembering him, she will allowing herself to feel him and miss him fully. She knew she would feel happy but also miserable today, but she's willing to embrace her emotions.

She puts on her red high converse, a black hat on her head and a glassess, then she steps out of her room and greeted by the wind. She's so glad that she didn't forget to bring her sketchbook and her drawing tools. Looking to the sky, she takes a deep breath smiling and begin her journey today.

She's now on the hill, finding a place to sit, she remember that day the weather feels exactly like today, it's windy. Two years ago, at the same place, that windy hills, she's sitting waiting for the sun to rise. It's the first time they meet each other. He also there sitting not far away from her waiting for the sun to rise. She's in deep thought that morning, sitting there to clear her mind, he also there for the same reason. She lost in her thoughts and unconciously humming one of her song. Her voice attracting him, he listen closely forgetting other things, and patiently stay there waiting for the right time to approach her. When he saw her standing, he make a move, walking to her and standing beside her. He saw her getting confuse and found her so adorable that he can't help to smile and say, "hello, Wheein-ssi."

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