Death Entree

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Lazy in the night, dark and cold, with snow flying down and landing on the ground in big piles. It was below freezing, so everyone was inside warm and cozy by the fireplaces. But one thing was still out, slowly making its way down the sidewalk. It was big, and dysfunctional. Bones cracking and grunts of the creature were heard. It's eyes were everywhere. Searching for its new prey.

It's skin was a pale green, bones popping out and little to no hair growing on it's broken body. How could one person be this bad and not be dead? Well this isn't a person. It's death. The thing that holds you in a cold grip and won't let go till your finally sucked away. The thing that tears apart so many people. The thing that kills for fun.

It was like a disease, one you couldn't cure. One you couldn't get rid of. Because death comes in many shapes and sizes. And maybe this isn't the only death. Maybe it's your death. Slowly limping down the sidewalk to your house. To kill you off. To take you. How does that feel? To know he could be coming for you right now?

A crunch of snow made the creature snap his head in the direction of the sound, causing a loud snap to occur. It grinned, showing its yellow and rotting teeth before all of a sudden taking off in that direction.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2018 ⏰

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