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Only the parents clapped as I went up for my high school diploma. All of my classmates were silent. They all just stared.

No one in my school cares about me. I'm labeled as ugly, worthless, freakishly tall, a nerd, and a smart ass.

My friends all left. My friend Jenna moved to Ohio with her mom three years back, Maria, Cathy, and Allie left to go to Catholic high school and we never kept in touch, Janie doesn't give a shit about me now that Maria's gone, and Diana moved away in ninth grade due to bullying. Everyone else who cared about me just suddenly disappeared.

Now all I have is my Internet friends, Jezebel, Ashlyn, Emma, and Alex and I can still communicate with Jeana through Skype and texting. Them and my six-hundred or so followers on Instagram. Most of them are ghost followers though.

I sigh as I walk back to my seat. I'm forced to be in between Julie and Adam, two of the people in the grade I hate the most.

Julie Romero, your average popular bitch who brings people down for her own amusement and talks shit about them behind their back. Adam Silvan, used to be the okay kid that moved back in seventh grade from Slovakia, but once high school hit became one of the worst bullies in school.

At least I was accepted into Princeton. Now I can get away from these assholes and never have to see them again. I'm moving early, in just a few weeks. I found a nice small house several months ago in New Jersey, and I'm going to be meeting Gena down there. We won't be living together, but nearby.

Can't wait to ditch New York. The tiny town I live in at the moment has never shown any recognition to me. Hopefully the name Adeline Sarno will leave its mark in New Jersey.


Hello everyone! After much consideration, I've decided to post finally!

Hope you enjoyed!

This is Addie, and peace out!

My Biggums (A JeromeASF FF)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang