"Chapter two"

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As I got off of the bus I saw my cousin and my bestie standing there when I  saw them I was so happy because I did not want to be alone on my first day of freshman year .I walk up to them and gave them a big hug and we all walk into the school talking about how scared we was but we did not show we then come to find out that our lockers were next to each other we was so happy

Me and my best friends cousin was waiting for her to get off the bus as we was waiting we was talking about how nervous we were...then I saw this cute boy but he looked a little older then the rest I mean I was only 15 years old but I didn't tell them but I now they was going to try and make me talk to him but I am to shy to talk to boys janiya is the only loud one in the group she don't care what she do that's why I love her but Zareah is the only one who is not going to talk to boys cause she always scared...

As we was standing by the locker I saw this cute boy looking at us but it was only for a few seconds I then turn around to put my things in the locker we then got started with our day then we all looked at the schedule and we all was in the same class but the only classes we did not have together was math and science so that mean I was going to be by myself but it was cool . As we walked in the class I saw the boy from earlier and he was smiling at me I looked at him and smiled back and sat down janiya saw what just had happened and said uuoo Zareah got a crush already then I said girl stop playing with me suhh BTW SUHH IS. jANIYA NICKNAME

We all finished our first class we go to our lockers to get our books out for next class when  some ugly girl come up to us and say girl y'all think y'all look cute and rolled her eyes  BTW I AM SHY But IAM NOT SCARED To FIGHT then janiya said girl bye don't start I might be new but I can whoop some old ass  girl  UGLY GIRL : well do it then
Janiya I am not bout to get suspended on my first day at school meet me after school at the park
UGLY Girl :bet that up
Janiya bet that up then

I then look at  janiya and  said bet  that up then and she started to laugh 
Girl you already know imma win  you got changing clothes in your bag because we have  P.E next  yea I said then ari said yea

Love gone wrong Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu