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Fear. As she looked into my eyes, she stared in fear. It may have been dark, but the sight of my dark blue eyes peering down at her made her quiver and stutter in search of her voice. Her eyes flicked from mine to the white fangs that shined in the moonlight that had now crept into the alley.  I could hear her heart racing in her chest, pounding faster and faster as I drew nearer.

The sound of her blood pulsing through her made me pity the fear that now dwelled within her. I didn't want her to fear me. But most of all, I didn't want her to have this treacherous fate brought upon her, either. 

A single bead of sweat formed at her hair line as she spoke to me in her angelic voice,  "P-Please don't kill me."She pleaded.

Those words felt like someone had punched me in the gut.  "I don't want to kill you." I said. "What do you want from me?" Her voice cracked as tears started to gleam in her eyes.  "I don't want to do this to you love..." I whispered the truth. 

"You don't want to do what?" She said in a voice that was scarcely a murmur. I looked in her eyes and couldn't bring myself to answer.  I watched as Jimin come out of the shadows I closed my eyes with a sigh. I turned and could hear her muffled screams against the rag full soaked in clorophorm. I could hear him drape the cloth bag over her head. And all I could hear were her screams...                                    


May is the bright, smart, funny, gorgeous girl that no one seemed to recognize. Even her family... Not since her older sister was the star of the family. Being the youngest child in a family that loves the thought of normality, she couldn't help but stick out. Her dark black hair and green eyes made her the oddity of an all brown hair, brown eyed family.  Yet, the girl that was looked over by most, and by all of her family, was the one that seemed to take Taehyung's breath away.

The 147 year old him couldn't help but be charmed by such an beauty. Sent by his family to seek his mate, he finds May roaming the streets one night. With only a week to bring her back to his world with him, and a fate that would change her life forever... What is Taehyung supposed to do when he has to decide whether to leave her to her mortal life, or take her to become his queen in the Kingdom that he is destined to rule?

Muwahaha!! Well hello my beauties. It's nice seeing y'all popping in~~

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