00; Goodbye's and Hello's

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She was terrified

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She was terrified.

There was no explanation for the emotion to suddenly course through her veins but yet here it was. Fear was crushing the petite girl, her body violently shaking as beads of sweat began to glide down her sharp cheek bones.

"Not again." She shivered becoming all too familiar with dread.  For as long as she could remember whenever the trepidation crept over her tan skin destruction and death would follow.

"X what's up?" A boy with shaggy black hair and deep black eyes was watching her with concern. The girl he met a couple months ago, the one so concealed in her own mind, was trembling in a cold sweat.

Desperately she clung onto his muscular arms, a sad smile forming on her red painted lips, "Remember what I told you when we first met?"

Realization began to slowly sink in, "You're gonna bounce now?"

"I told you SweetPea, I never stay in one place for long." She was already up and pulling up her dark shaded jeans.

"Yeah but I figured I'd change your mind." Smirking, wearing a pleading gaze and nothing else, the much taller boy grabbed her small hands and caressed them painfully slow.

Xenia felt her lower lip quiver she wanted to stay with him. In all his roughness and tough demeanor she had felt home and he found the same in her. Both were lost souls searching for anything to fill the void in their chaotic world.

"Stay with me." He cautiously pulled her closer.

"I want to." Her assurance was met with his hands dropping hers.

Sweetpea didn't want to hear those words; he wanted her to just lay with him again. He wanted to hold her and never let go.

"But you're leaving anyways huh?" The boy shook his head, now getting up and getting dressed.

Xenia watched in confusion as he begun to throw on his leather jacket with a familiar serpent on it before heading to the closet and pulling out a black backpack.

"In that case I'll just have to come with you."

"What? Sweetpea you can't."

"Do you love me?"

She stood with a mouth wide open, not able to form an answer.

"You're stubborn and shady, sometimes even bitchy-"

"Such a way with words Sweets." X was grinning widely.

"I'm trying to tell you I love you dumbass." His eyes rolled half out of annoyance and half out of amusement.

"Damn you sure know how to romance a girl." X felt tears fall down her cheeks.

Sweetpea instantly cupped her face in his massive hands. "I love you Xenia and I'll follow you to hell and back."

That's what I'm afraid of.

Tip toeing as an attempt to reach his height Xenia planted her lips passionately on his. The kiss was far more intense than previous lovers and for a moment the world seemed to stop, but soon enough distant howling snapped the young witch back to reality.  The fear she had almost forgotten came crashing against her like an angry wave.

"I love you Sweets." Was all the boy made out unable to understand the next phrase she  whispered in an unknown language to him. Next came a sharp pain in is heart; as if a part of his soul was being yanked away and then nothing....just fog.

Sweetpea was left standing alone with the faintest headache and an overwhelming feeling of lost. He scratched the back off his head as if trying to remember something forgotten. Unable to recall anything he tossed himself on to his small bed completely oblivious to the warm spot that had once occupied Xenia for many nights.

Her heeled boots patted on the rigidity sidewalk, the uneven concrete making it rather hard for her to maintain a fast pace without stumbling. The horrible howl's were gradually growing louder and louder seeming to never falter no matter how fast she ran to distance herself.

Hell hounds were resilient. Once they had her scent they would viciously follow her and they'd kill anything in their way. Stupidly she had thought Riverdale may be different. The small town was consumed with chaos. Death and destruction appeared so often she had hoped it would mask her presence completely.

"Son of a bitch!" Xenia shouted in pain as an invisible force knocked her to the ground, three deep claw marks burning into her thigh causing blood to drench through her now torn jeans.

"Let me go!" She kicked and hollered at the unseen force but was only rewarded with a low horsed growl.

"Time to come home Xenia." A menacing voice gurgled through the hounds cry's.

"The Dark Lord can suck my non-existent dick!" Xenia felt burning power begin to build inside the pit of her stomach, "My soul is not his to command!"

Darkness took over her eyes as they shifted to an unholy black leaving no color to be seen.

With a whimper the unseen force retreated from the panting girl. Unable to pull herself up X fell completely on her back, barely managing to high five herself.

"X ;1, Hell Hounds ;0." She felt exhausted, her eyelids heavy and muscles cramping.

A loud clap however stopped the girl from falling asleep completely.

"Now that was bloody amazing!" A boy with light brown hair and charming dimples was standing over her. "Hell hounds can be nasty little buggers, but you managed quit well."


"It does not matter who I am." The boy waved his hand in front of her face with a serious expression.

"Did-did you just try to Jedi-mind trick me?"

"Ignore him. He's an idiot." A curly haired girl seemed to magically appear at the teens side. "My name is Jade and he is Remi but I call him dumbass."

Rolling his brown eyes Remi lowered a hand to the nearly unconscious girl on the ground. She eyes his gesture with uncertainty.

"Don't worry we don't bite. Actually Jay might." He made an obvious inside joke as Xenia allowed him to prop her up. To her surprise he practically yanked her arm off of her body with incredible strength causing her to wince. "Sorry."

"You know I don't like witch's blood." Jade's round face scrunched up with disgust.

X opened her mouth to interrogate the odd strangers however she felt too dizzy to get out a word, instead she fell against the boy called Remi who instinctively caught her.

"Rest now love. You're safe with us." He swooped her in his arms and she embraced the darkest slumber unaware of huffing creatures praying in the night or of the chaotic adventures these two would invoke on her already hellish life.

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