Round 1

193 5 412

It was a quiet night in the clan territories. Except it wasn't peaceful. Four warriors from each clan were awake, unsure of why they couldn't sleep. The clans say those 20 warriors left their clan to make their own clan or become kittypets. No one truly knows. But what really happened was because of Icestar.

Icestar was a cruel and unfair cat. Unfortunately his reign of terror was started to be forgotten amongst the clans. His story was rarely told and if it was kits would call it another tale to keep kits behaving. To make it worse, he was staring to fade from the darkforest. He wasn't going to leave without a big bang now was he? On that night he paw picked four warriors to take as his little pawns in his new game. With the help of some magic he captured them right under StarClan's radar.

First it was Shadowstar from ShadowClan. Shadowstar was restless and decided to take a walk. A fog surrounded the leader and whisked the confused cat to the Areana. Where many future events would take place. The last was Spruceheart who was awake at dawn on a foggy day. While on patrol he split from his patrol and fell into the river. By the time he got out he was not in WindClan.

The captured cats gathered in the conveniently set up camp. The conversed and shared their confusion, untill a white Tom showed from the fog."Welcome to my game!"He said, getting to a higher place."Where are we!?"Sagemask demanded to know. The rest of the group surrounded Icestar, throwing their questions at him.

"Silence"He yelled and with a flick of his tail, everyone went quiet."You are inside my game. I'm Icestar your host. The rules are simple. There are 20 of you and there can only 2 winners. It could be increased, but I won't be so nice. Because there will only be 2 winners, the rest of you will not make it. Whether it be dying by my claws or by the claws of your own clanmates. You will compete in contests. Your clanmates are your team for now, and at the end of each round someone will have to die by force, no stupid I can't kill my mate Icestar!".

The cats were outraged and refused to believe this was real. They tried to take Icestar down, but he disappeared in a heartbeat."Rest now my contestants, within the Next Sunrise you will be joining your first race to survive" Icestar's voice boomed menacingly.
~Round 1~
Quest Type- Riddle

Because this is round 1 everycat starts with 1 BP. The best of luck to everyone and remember someone will be eliminated today. Join the Roleplay Section for some Drama. And because the Random Generator rolled a riddle for the first round, those who choose Intelligence will receive a boost in points. Also Players  remember someone on your team must submit the /Begin command to participate and you must submit an answer by Friday(Thursday at 9 pm).

The sun had barely risen before everyday was taken to a giant area with more Darkforest members."Today's quest is a riddle, we are starting off easy. Everyone will start out with one point, you can earn points through these quests. Reach 0 and you will be killed. Each Clan has their own warrior assgiened who will give you your riddle. But remember someday will be removed today no matter what"Icestar paused to watch the contestants reactions, which was mostly horrfied,"You may begin".

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