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Have you ever loved something to the point of hatred? While most people seek happiness, wealth, or immortality, I love everything red symbolizes. The color represents the three values I hold dear: love, passion, and warmth. How naïve was I to ignore the adversary that comes with it?

Just like myself, my mother also loved the color red. I remember her coming home wearing beautiful, over-the-top red dresses after her trips from the Field. Glimmering pieces of jewelry of red and gold can always be seen between her bony fingers. Sometimes the dangling red rubies became too heavy for her ears; it would pull the cartilage down to where it looked saggy. If she was a puzzle, the most distinct piece is her necklace. It was a droplet-shaped diamond. The simplicity of that jewelry made it stand out like a sore thumb.

My father gave it to her before she met the previous king and queen dowager. Inside that crystallized diamond contains the blood of my parents. In the kingdom, it was the ultimate gift to show love and favor for a bastard maid. Heaven knows the discrimination she faced when she was crowned queen. With her background and illiteracy, she had nothing to show off to society. But even if she does, who would listen?

Despite the inhumane acts she has witnessed throughout her peccant life, she still loved the flaming color. "For us, this is an archetype of a normal life," she repeated this phrase over and over like a broken record. I guess it was her way to pacify the mind not to go crazy. Now, the same value speaks for the rest of society. War has become part of our everyday lives. I suppose it is almost like breathing.

War began 3 generations ago when my great grandfather betrayed the previous Emperor of Arawa. Quite a long time, isn't it? The purpose of the war was long forgotten. While common men fought for peace, royals perceive them as pawns to carry out their selfish desires of revenge.

Greedy, aren't we? Tossing valuable men in the battlefield then sending the family a letter of apology when they die. We don't even give them a proper burial. We leave them there to rot. Why? It takes too much effort to carry every single dead body back home. This is the gist of what happens to every man who takes part in this bloodshed. Royals have the privilege to be exempted in these situations. Every royal is shameless, and so am I.

"They're ready for you." I need not glance behind my shoulder as the mirror reflects his appearance. Ignoring the embellishment on his chest, he wasn't wearing much. Just a simple suit and tie. I don't think he needs a fancy tunic or what now. His regular appearance is enough to classify him as handsome. With his toned body and Adonis-like features, no wonder women beg on their knees just to lock eyes with him. Perhaps it was also the reason mother always favored him. "Do you need help?" Yuu asks, polite as ever. 

Just as he asked, the hook swiftly clamps on the chain. "Elder Valerie must be on pins and needles. Where did she hear my plans?" I ask. I didn't expect her to find out this soon.

"Ah. It seems Vivian gave in to her mother. Again." He explains. He walks with me down the endless hallways of the castle. Unlike the vast palaces of other delegates, Mayari's castle codifies as an unusual place. There are no sophisticated displays in the halls, only portraits of the royal family. Things such as flowers on golden vases or painted paintings from affluent artists are unheard-of.

Sculptures, ornaments, exhibits to show off a person's wealth is wholly sold off to foreign countries and black markets. Intricate pieces of jewelry I owned is long gone. Ever since I became queen, anything I see worth selling has already been sold off. The budget has been tight since the previous king died. His sudden death cause disarray and confusion on the distribution of power. The corrupt and greedy surfaced from their caves attempting to win the crown. 1/3 of the kingdom's yearly budget suddenly vanished just like that. It did not help that the nation is at war with Arawa. The military had no strategist nor leader. Meanwhile, the people are in constant peril because of bandits and thieves. At the age of 16, I was crowned queen. If it wasn't for the coronation, the kingdom self-destructed a long time ago.

"And The Order?"

"Ah, yes. Enrique and Ella have returned. Their reports state they have been successful. They're waiting for your next command."

"Proceed on the last wall. Make sure that anyone who would cause chaos is dead. Any corrupted officials are dealt with. Stop slave trading as usual. The slaves are to work for any noble in the royal family until they are fully assessed. Those broken mentally or physically are to receive treatment-"

"That may be a problem. The hospitals are full of patients these days."

"Don't we have enough doctors and nurses to help these people? In fact, we are over-staffed."


I waved him off. "Hire more people, especially those who need it most. The newly established hospital in the 4th wall can easily accommodate their numbers. Transfer a reasonable medical team. Include an expert or two. I want them treated."

"And those beyond recovery?"

"Those with contagious diseases are to be sent quarantined. Others can spend their remaining time in a peaceful and safe environment like the others. I think the country-side would be a good place for them to rest."

"Yes, your grace."

Two women pass by us. One had a dark complexion, she was carrying a bucket of cleaning supplies. The other is fair, still in her gardening clothes, carrying a basket full of freshly picked apples. "Greetings your majesty." They bowed their heads low. They stand before me avoiding eye contact as much as possible.

"They're the new ones from the 3rd wall." He whispers in my ear.

I smile. "Pleasant afternoon to you ladies. I assume that you are both headed to Vesper after this?"

"Yes, your grace."

"Good. Please keep up the good work. I would be pleased to know you've made a name for yourselves." This statement alone made the two maids lower their heads in gratefulness.

"So kind of you to say you know." He says, bumping my shoulder playfully.

Vesper is a place close to town that provides anyone free education for those who are eager to learn. The professionals managing the area are mostly volunteers who were once saved by me. These professionals come here part-time after they finish working their actual jobs. Unfortunately, we don't have enough budget to provide for equipment and books. So they rely on sharing whatever they have.

"They may once be slaves, but they're also human. We've discovered several individuals who have potential and talent. Now, they are contributors to society." I state.

"You and the crown are truly meant to be."

I chuckle softly. It truly is unfortunate for me to be born in this fate. I have been given the responsibility of carrying the lives of thousands of people. And I take in that responsibility like a piece of medicine. Unwanted but necessary.

I pray that this would be the perfect opportunity for me to present change, even if it means sacrificing myself. I am done with the killing, the blood, and the sacrifices. If this settlement is a success, then maybe, everything would go back to normal. Or whatever 'normal' was in the old days.

The servant bows down and announces my arrival to the Council. "Princess Akila Odine Luna has arrived."  

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