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With her nostrils flaring, her palms slam the mahogany table. "Unacceptable!" Her wrinkles ripple across her face, just as her words silence the crowd. She held her head high, her nose looks sharper and more pointed than usual. Elder Edrei Vel Kyra Valerie glares at me in disbelief. The council mimics her expression- a frown and a wrinkled forehead. I have expected this much. Not that it was easy for them to accept the change, to begin with.

The next morning, an emergency meeting is called upon by the council. They're  I anticipated a stand-off between us but didn't expect this to be so soon. I, unlike them, am expressionless. I gave away nothing but a smile and a calming demeanor. "Elder Valerie, please don't take this out on the table."

You shouldn't have open that mouth of yours Akila.

The chair smoothly glides the floor as Elder Valerie stands up. She made no sound, even the long necklaces made it seem that it is part of her body. Her clothes didn't shuffle around, her shoes didn't click the floor. She is like the air we breathe- quiet yet acknowledged. As expected of my mother's right-hand woman. The sudden contact with her hand and my cheek sent my mouth quivering at the pain.   

"Akila." Her hand traveling from my cheek to my jaw, pulling my face forward by command. "You may be the Empress but I'm still in charge of the Order. I suggest you quit being such a cheeky brat and take this matter seriously. Hm? We haven't come this far only to fall for your stupidity. And you!" Elder Valerie stomps her way towards my personal knight, Yuu. She proceeds to dig her heel on his toes. Grabbing his shirt, she pulls him down to level with her height. I always find it hilarious when an old 5'2 woman squares up to a 6'3 man. "Did it ever occur to you to stop her?! We are already in the depths of hell and our lady right here is digging a deeper grave to who knows where!" 


"Excuses! There are multiple ways for you to convince her highness. I did not become your teacher for 20 years for you to be incapable of convincing this brute you call a lady! Did I teach you nothing?!" Elder Valerie's pitch raises higher every minute she lividly scolds him. The same could be said for the force she continues to put on his toes. He starts to tear up, silently looking at me begging for help. I bet his head would have been chopped off if it weren't for him being related to the queen dowager. 

"That's quite enough of that mother." A woman whose features resemble Elder Valerie steps in the room with a similar presence. She is the spitting image of our mentor. She has the same pointed nose, doe-like eyes, and a square face. Vivian Kyra Valerie of House Valeria radiates with confidence as she walks towards her mother. The only difference between the two would be Vivian's albinism. Unlike her mother, she lets her hair down. A rare flowing wave of long white and brown hair suits her very much. Her albino trait is something she is very proud of as this honor her late father. She wears a similar uniform that Yuu is wearing. Black pumps click the floor and two overwhelming presences faced each other off. 

"Vivian. I suggest you don't interrupt this meeting. We have no time to be sitting idly in our desks nor fuck every man and woman that pass our line of sight."

"Mother dear, I am offended. I do not fuck- I make love. There is a difference. Then again, I would rather be called a desirable whore than an old hag whose ability is to ripple a thousand wrinkles across her face at a young age."

"Okay, okay break it up." In a wave of my hand, Yuu limply pulls Vivian away from her mother. Any more than this and the room itself will be a war zone. "We can not be at war here. Not now, not ever."

One of the elders clears there throat and starts speaking. "My lady please reconsider your decision of stepping on enemy's territory. We can not afford to lose any more men nor leaders to lead this nation. It's been three years since your reign. The kingdom has been more stable than ever in comparison to the previous generations. Losing you would only cause more havoc within the palace." Alfred Jes Alden of House Alden has never been the type to speak up during meetings. He is a quiet man whose age doesn't reflect his looks. House Alden believes that long beard is a sign of longevity in men. So with this belief in mind, 50-year-old Elder Alden has quite the beard. It was long and white but well kept. I guess that would make up for his loss of hair. Whenever light hits that scalp of his, it shines and reflects brighter than the sun. Anyone who has met Elder Alden would agree that head of his is quite blinding. I'm guessing his hair loss will reflect why he looks quite an old man with the wrinkles on his face. Or maybe it's because of the stress... it could be both. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2019 ⏰

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