let go

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we were inseparable. that's what made our love so beautiful, it was blossoming into something big and i was certain we were going to last. until i had come home and you were moaning a name that was certainly not mine. i barged in, yelling at you to go to hell. fuck you. those words were repeated several times. i had screamed so loud the neighbours came over to see if we were alright.
but we weren't.
i could see it in your eyes, you wanted to let me go. i didn't want you to let me go. i didn't want to let you go. so after they left i collapsed. i didn't cry, i poured. you don't love me anymore. that's why you cheated. i begged for you to stay. i fell on my knees and i grabbed your pants, trying to get you to stay because baby, being alone terrifies me. in the end you left, to be with her. i was left. hurt. broken. furious. but i couldn't bring myself to hate you. why?

because i still love you.

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