Chapter I

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There's a grounder index at the end of the chapter if you want 'the full experience' or whatever. 629 words :p

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Lexa flopped down onto her bed, she lay there amongst the furs, replying everything for the millionth time, the death of Titus, what might've happen had she not had answered Clarke's cries of pain, the blondes blank face as she lay below Titus ready for her death.

-Flash Forward- (five days)

The Heda had just finished pulling the cloth down over her head, smiling slightly to herself as she thought of had happened between her and her beautiful skai gada, they both had finally decided to address the tension between them (and Klarke had not disappointed) when she became acutely aware of just how deeply she cared for her , just how far she is willing to go to protect her loved one because Clarke had made her feel things that she had been taught to push away, to conceal, to always show undying strength with no weakness. But Clarke made her understand that its okay to feel, its okay to be merciful, Jus nou drien jus daun.

Before Lexa could stop herself she was making her way to the Skai gada's room tears already threatened to fall at the thought of Clarke leaving her again and yet as she approached the wooden door, the only thing separating her from the blonde Lexa, the commander of the twelve clans rethought her choice to beg the girl to stay she couldn't just demand her to stay, and it isn't her place to, but still she lifted her hand to the door ready to knock when..

-Flash Back to Present-

She quickly push that memory away not being ready to dwell on it for too long fearing the loss of control she felt when Clarke had lain limp in her arms.

—-Lexa's POV—-

I give a quick start feeling a light pressure atop my gut, I snap my eyes open to find Clarke's blue ones staring down at me, her legs either side of my torso, her thighs lightly pushing into my stomach. I frown slightly,

"You should be resting"

I try and sound demanding and tough, but it comes out tender and half-heartedly. She scoffs already knowing full well that I'm just a needy commander who wants her Skai Princess with her at all times.

Yes, I care about her health but I've forced her to stay in her chambers and rest for a week now, and what can I say, I miss her. Not that id ever admit it.

"What were you thinking about?"

asked Clarke with her puppy dog eyes, begging for an honest answer. But I didn't want to kill the mood by admitting what was playing and replaying over and over again in my head, but Clarke knew the second I hesitated with my answer, Clarke always knew.

The blonde's eyes soften and she lowers herself to my side and burrows into my collar bone, shifting her weight so that she wasn't putting pressing on her wound, trying to do it subtly so I wouldn't notice her pain, but I could always tell when my Klarke was unhappy. It made me unhappy.

"Im not going anywhere Lexa",

Clarke mumbled into my darker skin her pale lips brushing unintentionally against a vain.

I swallows shallowly at the close proximity we shared, and at the thought of Clarke ever leaving me again.

I bobbed my head lightly telling Clarke that I'm ok and my Wenheda is safe and that everything is ok.

"Ai hod yu in"

"Ai hod yu in seintaim"

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Em niron's- her lover's
Heda- Commander/leader
Skaikru- Sky people
"Ai hod yu in"-I love you
"Ai hod yu in seintaim"-I love you too

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