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It all started with a weird dream, and a memory erase...

I woke up not remembering anything about my past except my name, my age, and somehow my last memory I had hours ago, I remembered that I was jumping off a building, falling to my death and suddenly I hit the ground... and I felt nothing anymore. The next thing I remembered is that I heard a siren of some sort, I also heard people trying to talk to me.

"don't worry it's gonna be ok"

"We need to get her into the nursery..."

"Wow! She really is a special girl after all"

"Get her to the van quickly before they come for her!"

I was being lifted off the ground and into the van and then I closed my eyes again...

The last memory I had was this...

"She is alive"

"Thank god! I thought we were gonna lose her"

"Hand me the shot"

"Ok sir"

I saw a man with a lab coat, as he looked at me, moving my parts to see if they were broken.

"Here's the shot"

"Report that all of her bones are fine but she is in need of a cast on her right hand"

"Are you sure that she will forget everything?"

"I'm sure"

"If you want we can- wait..."


"Look at her arm!"

"It can't be! She's... she's a-!"

And then suddenly... everything became silent, I figured... since I don't remember everything I have to try to remember of why I was sent here.

As I opened my eyes I saw a woman with red-brown hair and purple eyes in a red outfit sitting right beside me, she looked up at me smiling, "why hello Lola, I hope you have a great stay at this nursery." Wait this is a nursery? I don't believe it, I don't believe it at all... this is definitely not a nursery. "Where am I?" I asked the red lady, "well you are in a nursery child" I shook my head, "I don't believe you..." the red lady stood up and went to get a file from the drawer "Lola it's gonna be ok." The red lady was now reading the file right beside me, now I was getting really worried, was I going to be tested? Was I going to be forced? Am I going to not be safe here? I hope not.

"Now the doctors are going to run with you some tests, don't worry it's not those kind of tests"

Tests? I need to get out of here!

I slowly got up and tried to walk to the glass door, but suddenly the red lady tried to stop me, "you're not getting away this time young lady!" Just then, I heard a scream and it broke glass objects, including the glass door. I saw as the red lady fell on the floor getting scars from the scattered glass, she started to groan in pain as she was bleeding on the floor.

I wanted to help her but I was scared that she was gonna do something bad to me. Now it was my time to leave this place, but wait... am I not wearing shoes? "Oh crap..." I found slippers that were on the desk, I putted them on and then I left the room running for my life.

"Attention all employees, number 0013 has escaped her room, please track her down for she is in need of assistant care"

I ran as fast as I could, I was scared of what they were going to do to me, as I ran I saw people in lab coats trying to catch me. I was becoming even more close the elevator when suddenly a man grabbed me by my shirt and tried to hold me down, I tried to kick him but I was being held captive by the man who was holding both of my hands to my back. "Let me go! I'm not going to be one of your damn pets!" I saw as lots of adults surround me trying to comfort me, I thought that this going to be the end of me, and because of that I started to cry. "That little shit is going to get it!" The red lady was walking towards me, I stared to become real scared because I thought she was going to kill me.

The red lady held my head up and said "Lola you are not becoming our pet, if you were you would be in that bed being held captive with chains on all four corners" the man holding me saw me as I started to cry even more, "Gwen... the girl is crying" Gwen sighed, "I know James I know but she is going to be ok I promise".

When James let me go both of my arms were they were both hurting from the shoulders, I was told to sit down back in my bed and I was lucky to keep my slippers because they were mine anyways. I saw as Gwen sat down next to me looking at my file, I wanted to see what was on my file because I remember the man from my last memory saying "she's... she's a-!" I'm a what?! Was I here because I had some power that I didn't knew about? "Hey Gwen?" Gwen stopped reading and looked at me, "yes?" Gwen said, "do you know why am I here?" I asked Gwen, "well... your here because you are special." Gwen smiled, "But I don't have any powers at all" I was sure that I didn't, "but... do I? If so what is my power?" I was very curious of what powers I had IF I had any , "Well..." Gwen stood up, put the file away, and walked back to me, "that is for YOU to find out missy."

It has been 9 hours ever since I woke up and attempt to run away, I was in my bed chilling and reading a good book. The book about 6 kids who have hybrid abilities and they have wings, and together they fly away from the lab people and fighting to save the world. Was that it? Do I have wings? Nah probably not.

Just then I heard the door open, I looked up only to see Gwen with clean pajamas, "wear these, tomorrow you will be out of here" I put a bookmark in my book and changed. "Where am I going tomorrow?" I asked Gwen as she began to sit down, "oh yeah we are going out the nursery to buy clothes with your dorm mates." Wait dorm mates? I didn't know I had dorm mates. "Who are my dorm mates?" Gwen took out a piece of paper and began to read out loud, "your dorm mates are 0010, 0011, 0012, 0014, and 0015."

"Wait woah! What's with the numbers?" I asked very confused, "well you are 0013 Lola, look at your left hand." I looked at my left hand and saw that there was 4 numbers on my arm, 0013...

"Well... who are the names of those kids?" I asked Gwen, "well... you have to find out tomorrow because they are gonna introduce themselves to you." Gwen looked at the clock for a second, "oh, it's already time to go to bed well... for you anyways" Gwen snickered as she walks towards the door, "now go get some sleep Lola you got a big day tomorrow." I lay down on my bed thinking about the 5 dorm mates I was going to meet, hope they aren't too mean...

As I went to bed tired as hell because of today I closed my eyes... and went to sleep.

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