Author Note

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TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!!! But because of you guys being spectacular and helping me get so far in my writing dreams (Angel Wings is almost at 240k and Demon Heart has just past 101k!!) I decided to give a gift to you! 

(((((Just for fun, I'll let you guess my age! Just throw out how old do you think I am (I bet it's older than you think))))) :D

The beautiful cover was made by the lovely Izzy_Gold just like the first two! A little later today, I will also be posting a makeshift prologue, and then next week I'll release chapter one and so on! In my edits of book one and two, I've decided to shorten the chapters, so the chapters in this book are just single parts now. Hopefully that will be easier.

Also on this note I thought I'd include a few of the things I released when I first posted Royal Soul ages ago. Below there's an old trailer that I made years ago. And then below that is another video I made when there was a whole cover competition thing. I made a little Evabelle tribute and at the end revealed the winning cover for Royal Soul. It's not my best work and maybe I'll make a better one someday, but for now I think it shows this girl's struggles and her strength through some figurative symbolism. She started out a scared lonely fallen angel (though she didn't know that initially) but she's come so far and got her head up over the tides of the churning sea. She's breaking the chains that she and others formed around her. She's shattering the mirror that held the face of a weak, insignificant, worthless girl. She may not have wings, but she has something far better!

Trailer Cast

Evabelle ~ Emily Rudd and Emma Roberts

Aza ~ Chloe Moretz

Lucis ~ Alex Pettyfer and Ben Foster

Del ~ Matthew Daddario

Calandra ~ ...Sorry, I'm actually not sure. A lot of the clips came from other edited things and I'm not sure about all of them. But the ones above were the ones I was at least able to get names for. And sadly, I don't think anyone else, specific made it in.

Before you read beyond this, remember --YOU MUST ASK FOR THE LAST CHAPTER OF DEMON HEART BEFORE YOU READ ANY OF ROYAL SOUL!!! Thank you so much guys and I hope you enjoy! :)

As always, I love you all and I hope you have a fantastic day and adventure in the realm of books! ;)

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