14. A Joyous Proposal

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I spun around in my mirror. I looked popping. Namjoon and I were going out to a nicer restaurant and I wanted to look great. Of course, I looked great all the time, but this time, I looked even better. I was wearing a blue skirt with polka dots on it and a white long sleeve blouse for a top. It was an old-fashioned kind of outfit but I liked it anyway. I loved how it looked on me.

I went downstairs and Namjoon stared at me in amazement

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I went downstairs and Namjoon stared at me in amazement. I blushed and smiled.

"Like what you see?" I asked.

Namjoon grinned and stepped towards me. "Of course. You look great, Lilly. I love it."

I wrapped an arm around Namjoon's waist. "Thanks. Ready to go?"

Wrapping an arm around my shoulders, Namjoon pulled me close. "Of course."

Namjoon and I left my apartment. We got to the restaurant and got seated. We talked and laughed. I was absolutely in love with this man. Soon, Namjoon pulled out a small box and handed to me. I opened it and was greeted with a ring. 

"I know we won't be able to see each other very often but I want to make it work out, Lilly," Namjoon said. "I love you, so, so much, Lilly and I believe we can get married. I want to marry you and live a life with you. I promise we can work it out. Lilly Singh, will you do the honor of marrying me?"

I grinned. "Of course, Namjoon. Always. I know it won't be easy but it's worth it. Let's get married, Namjoon."

Namjoon leaned across the table and kissed me. I kissed him hard and pulled away, grinning. I was so ready to do this. I didn't know how it would work out between us but I wasn't all that worried about it.

I came to a realization. "You haven't met my parents yet."

Namjoon bit his lip. "I'm excited to see them but I want to meet them. I should've asked their permission to marry you."

"We can do that soon," I replied. "I was meaning to visit my parents soon. I want you to meet you. I don't want them to be angry over the fact that they didn't meet you before the wedding. They love you already anyway. They just want to meet you."

"You told them about me?" Namjoon asked.

I nodded. "They like you. They're excited that I found someone. They're not sure about you living in a different country and everything though I'm sure it'll be fine."

Namjoon smiled softly, taking my hand in his. "I will show them that they don't need to worry about us."

"I hope not."

-Time Skip-

Namjoon and I rode in the back of an Uber. We had just arrived in Canada and were on our way to my parents' house. Namjoon held my hand tightly. I could tell his was nervous but I had assured him multiple times that it was going to be fine.

We arrived and unloaded our stuff. I walked up to the door, carrying my stuff. I stepped up to the door and took a breath. I looked back at Namjoon, giving him an assuring smile. I knocked on the door and waited.

The door opened and my mom stood there. She gasped in surprise and tackled me in a hug. She yelled for my dad. Mom kissed my face multiple times and gave me another hug.

"Oh, Lilly!" Mom exclaimed. "You're home! Why didn't you tell us you were coming back?" She finally saw Namjoon. "Is this your boy? Come in, come in. I want to see you fully."

We entered the house and set our stuff aside. We gathered in the kitchen as my dad joined us. 

Mom looked Namjoon up and down.  "You look okay. Lilly, you chose a nice guy."

"Lilly, honey, is okay for you?" Dad asked. "Does he treat you right?"

I sighed and rolled my eyes. "Of course, Dad. I really like him. Don't worry."

Dad nodded and looked over Namjoon. "Don't hurt my daughter, okay?"

Namjoon nodded, looking a bit scared. "Yes, sir. I won't. I love Lilly a lot."

"Good," Dad said.

Mom placed a hand on Dad's shoulder. "Do you want some food? I was about to make some food?"

I nodded. "Sure, Mom. That would be really nice."

Mom started making food and Dad started talking to Namjoon and I. My parents seemed to really like Namjoon. He was making a good impression on them. I really liked that because I wanted my parents to like Namjoon. I would be spending the rest of my life with this man. I needed them to like him.

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