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i took a pile of garbage in a plastic bag in my trash can

i walked out using trousers like four

all the way i just looked down
but when i want to get to the landfill

suddenly something made me want to look forward

and yes
when i look forward

there is her
the blind girl

"why are you here? you blind girl,"

i tried to pretend i didn't know her and just wanted to go through it

but these legs feel frozen

damn fu ** king foot

"did you forget?"

"what do you mean,"

"i have a name,"

i just realized. all this time i don't know her name

"lee nayoung," she patted her chest

"i don't care. get out of my way,"

she still stood there
like a fool

"felix ... do you really forget me?"

"get away or i'll do things you don't like,"

"do you forget me?"

i've been very sick

i pushed the blind girl and then continued my path to throw out the trash

my hand
why like feeling guilty like this?

voices┊felix ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang