Chapter 1

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                        Back story

Zane and I have been best friends since we could talk and I knew Alyia and Isabella since pre-k and now we're high school freshman. Zane has a little sister Mari while I have a little brother Jermain and our family's keep telling us to date I mean I love him like a brother in all but we're never I mean NEVER dating. Well this is my story
                      Zoey's P.O.V 

"UGH! I hate first days." I said turning off my alarm then looked at my phone on the charger for the time "It's 6:45 cool I got time and won't be late *yawns* well time to get ready." I said going in the bathroom to shower then I brush my teeth washed my face and walked into my room and closed the door til it opened again to reveal my brother

"Hey Zoey this-oh our getting dressed I'll wait in my room til you finish." He said leaving my room shutting the door I looked at my phone once again

"It's 7:05 I still got time he's gets here at 7:30 So I have plenty of time." I said putting my underwear and bra on then I put on my crop top that said princess across it with a crown hinging on the p the shirt was black while the words were pink and the crown was gold with pink diamonds
I slide on my skinny jeans with sparkles covering the pockets then I put my hair in a bun while putting on my pink wedges I gradded my phone, headphones, lip gloss, money, and perfume and put it all in my purse that says Chat on it it's also black I then walked into my brothers room "Wassup bro?" I asked opening the door "Omg! It's actually clean in here but foreal wassup?" I asked sitting next to him

"So this......girl like me right and I like her I'm trying ask her out but I'm scared if her brother might do something to me what should I do when it comes to asking her?" He asked blushing

"Who's her brother i could probably get him to be okay with it." I asked looking at him like 'really dis is what you want to ask me'

"Zane" He said looking away

"As in my Zane' s little sis?" I said  looking at him with a shocked face cause they always tease each other so it's weird to think he likes her

"Yes-Oh wait your Zane so there's something going on with the two of you?" He said giving me the lenny face I playfully pushed his arm lightly "You know I'm joking but yes Zanes little sis is my crush." He said looking away I was about to say something but my phone buzzed "Who dat?" My brother asked looking at my phone

"Speak of the devil." I said unlocking my phone looking at the message

                 Text conversation
Zane😝: Hey i got to take my sis today so bring ur bro with u and we'll be there in 10 see u soon

Zoey😙:k see y'all when u get here
             Text conversation end

I turned my phone off and put it in my purse "Looks like you get to ride with your crush and her brother with me." I said getting up "Oh and dad said it's time for you to take out the trash last night and grab a pop tart cause I'm not making nor buying you breakfast." I said giving him a cheeky smile and walking out his room and started to put my room back together when I was done my phone rings "Hello?"

"I'm outside."

"K here we come." I said then hung up grabbed my bookbag "JJ Zane's outside come on and grab your bookbag!" I said waiting for him by the door then I realized that my mom was on the couch sleep so I went over there and kissed her on the cheek "Love you mom." I whispered to myself then Jermain came down the stairs grabbed a pop tart also kissed mom so I walked out the door to see Zane waiting in the car with Mari in the back "Lock the door JJ!" I yelled at my brother coming out the house

"Stop calling me JJ ZJ!" He yelled locking the door I hated being called ZJ just like he hates being called JJ  well first day of school here I come
______________________________________Hi this is the first chapter do you like if so vote or leave a comment on what you think and soon I will post what the characters look like

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