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A new kid came to school,

wearing a bright floral dress like a 

sunny field of sun flowers,

she was as quiet as a mouse 

but smarter then an owl,

she had the prettiest face

who no one ever saw, 

since the day Anna M'cane 

stared to tease and punch

the poor newbie. 

Weeks have gone by since 

the girl has joined but still

stays quiet with her bully

lurking in the shadows behind ready to

pounce on her pray.

                                                    tip... toe,

                                                                      tip... toe, 

                                                                                           tip... toe


And the poor girl falls flat on her face

picking herself up, sprinting to the bathroom crying 

and in the background you can still hear Anne M'cane



                                                                                            what a loser she is..

I hope you enjoyed this poem. (please tell me if you have any suggestions in the comments.) 

There will be more so ya. Bye till next time!

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