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Ethan's eyes darted around as he took in his new surroundings. The floor was an off white tile that Ethan could make out dips from years of use. The walls had wood paneling halfway up that led into soft green walls. The two textures were separated by a plastic wall railing. Upon their entrance they were greeted by a lady in jeans and a long sleeve shirt. "Glad to see y'all made it again this year," She greeted with an infectious smile.

"You know we couldn't miss it," Penelope replied.

The lady's eyes skimmed over their faces. "I see we have two new faces."

Emily gently pushed them forward. "Liz this is Alex and Ethan. Guys meet the nursing home's Activities Director, Liz Harbor."

Liz held a hand out. "Nice of y'all to join us. I know some of the resident are really excited for your visit."

Ethan forced a smile and turned his attention back to his surroundings. He'd never realized that nursing homes held so much sensory input. Between the multitude of colors, sounds, and smells it was extremely overwhelming. Ethan noticed the change of wall color as they headed down a different hall; it's blue.

"The Prentisses are here!" One of the nurses announces as they reach the day room at the end of the hall.

Ethan takes note of about ten residents mingling in the dayroom. Emma is quick to grab two colorful pandas and hand them to two ladies coloring at the table. It's hard to hear, but he's sure they are telling Emma how big she's gotten since they last saw her. Mattie and Jo are talking to Liz allowing the younger kids to have the joy of giving out stuffed animals. Ethan vaguely registers Emily placing a bear in his hand. He noticed a lady in a wheelchair sitting by the window hadn't received a gift yet.

"Uh, Merry Christmas," Ethan says awkwardly as he hands her the bear.

The lady glances up at him with wide, shining eyes. "For me?" She ask already clutching it to her chest.

Ethan nods. "Yes ma'am."

The lady looks down at the bear with a smile and then back to Ethan. "It's pretty."

Ethan smiles back as his mom calls for him. "See you next time."

When Ethan joins back with the group Liz gently pulls him to the side. "You just made Ms. Pepper's year."

It's hard for him to imagine how a simple teddy bear could make someone's year, but none the less it made him feel warm and fuzzy that he got to do that for someone. As the group heads to the next hall they pass a door with Lorelei Pepper written on it. Glancing inside Ethan notices the room is deprived of personalization save for about ten stuffed animals lined up on the bed. Taking a few quick strides he catches up to Jo. "Did all of Ms. Pepper's stuffed animals come from us?"

"One for every year we've done it. Mama started bringing us even before her and Mom started dating," Jo replies.

Ethan files the information away and decides this tradition is much better than reading.


When they exit the nursing home they are split into two groups. Ethan turns to his mom and Penelope. "Where are you guys going?"

Penelope steps forward to explain. "We're taking Emma and Link to do some Christmas activities at the library around the corner while Emily takes you guys to tradition part 2."

Ethan sighs at the half answer but puts on a smile when his mother hugs him and tells him to have fun. Back in the bus he once again plays lookout as the other three move up a row.

"Am I allowed to know where we're going?" Ethan tried again.

Jo turns to Mattie with a smirk. "Should we tell him?"

Mattie crosses her arms and leans forward. "I don't know. I enjoy watching him squirm."

Declan shakes his head at their antics. "Every Christmas eve Mom takes the kids thirteen and older to the shooting range."

Ethan turns to Emily. "How did that tradition start?"

"About seven years ago, when the girls were twelve, my mother decided to spend Christmas with us. By Christmas eve I was ready to wring her neck, so I disappeared to the shooting range for a few hours. When I got home Jo begged to go with me the next year. When the next year came I took the girls. Mattie fired one shot and declared she would never do it again. Now she's almost as good as I am," Emily explains.

"Hey, I thought I was as good as you?" Jo exclaims.

Emily smiles. "All three of you are because you've had the best teacher."

Mattie grins. "Yeah Aunt Erin is a really great teacher."

"If that's so she can take you next time," Emily threatens.

"No!" Jo yells. "If we don't make good shots she makes us write a paper on what we did wrong."

Declan smirks. "Only you two. I got ice cream last time."

Mattie glares at him. "First of all Jo, you loved writing that essay cause analyzing is your thing. Second Declan, we know you're her favorite so stop rubbing it in."

Ethan turned in his seat to look at them. "Why are you the favorite?"

Declan puts a hand over his heart. "How could you not know I'm everyone's favorite?"

Mattie reaches over to hit him. "You know that's a lie."

Declan frowns, answering honestly this time, "We both play piano which I guess we bonded over."

"I play soccer, so I'm Aunt JJ's favorite," Mattie tells Ethan.

"And I can cook, so I'm Grandpa Dave's favorite," Jo states.

"Link likes games and sports which makes him Uncle Derek's favorite," Declan adds.

"Emma is Uncle Aaron's favorite because she can make him smile," Mattie finishes.

"What about me?" Ethan asks curiously.

Jo answers, "You're like Uncle Spencer's honorary little brother which makes you his favorite."

Ethan can't help the smile that breaks out across his face.

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