thirty. over my shoulder [ texts ]

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over my shoulder

Tom Holland
[ mila's kissing buddy💋💋 ]

Mila Joseph
[ tom's first kiss 😳😳 ]

Text Message
Sat, 15 Jul, 8:19 PM

tom's first kiss 😳😳
i should have messaged u sooner
i'm so sorry

mila's kissing buddy💋💋
Hey, it's fine

tom's first kiss 😳😳
no it's so not
i'm sorry about my brother's post, i didn't know anything about it, i swear

mila's kissing buddy💋💋
No, don't worry at all
At least we're even now. I still feel guilty about my tweet

tom's first kiss 😳😳
nooo don't feel guilty about it
that wasn't even bad
i should have clarified to sidney that he's can't talk about stuff like that

mila's kissing buddy💋💋
It's not your fault, or Sidney's fault at all
It's just people assuming things

tom's first kiss 😳😳
he basically confirmed we're dating
and it's not tru ofc so it leaves us in this situation

mila's kissing buddy💋💋
It's not that bad, at least all the people around us know that we're not together

tom's first kiss 😳😳
except my brother apparently

mila's kissing buddy💋💋
It really is fine
So don't feel guilty about the post
Are we okay now?

tom's first kiss 😳😳
i've been dreading this conversation for so long
that's why it took me forever to apologise

mila's kissing buddy💋💋
Why did you dread it?
Am I really that scary

tom's first kiss 😳😳
no no ofc not
the opposite actually
it's just that you're this big ass film star and i was affecting your life w my silly shit

mila's kissing buddy💋💋😘
Don't think about it like that
I'm just Tom

you changed mila's kissing buddy 💋💋's name to tom holland

you changed your name to mila joseph

mila joseph
sorry i just don't want anybody to see the names cause then we really wouldn't be able to deny anything

tom holland
It's perfectly alright lol

mila joseph
okay cool
idk this entire thing's just been kinda stressful
so i don't want all the work we've put into telling people we're not together to all come apart

tom holland
How's it been stressful
You don't have to tell me by the way

mila joseph
omg no it's alg
sidney and i had this big ass fight a couple days over it and a few other things

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