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Isabel's point of view:

Sophia and I are finally back home in San Diego California staying at Brie and Bryan's house still because lately my stomach has been hurting alot but I haven't told mom or anyone and right now Sophia is asleep and brie is with birdie in the living room so I decided to sleep hoping that the pain would subside

After awhile Sophia's awake and crying but I'm in too much pain to get her making me cry out in pain

"Isabel are you ok" I  hear brie ask but am in to much pain to say anything

Brie's point of view:

I'm home with birdie Sophia and Isabel. Sophia is taking a nap and Isabel was complaining about being in pain so she went to lay down 

While Birdie is playing Bryan answered the door because someone knocked and let the person in

An I see that it's Seth coming in behind Bryan

"Hey" I say

"Hey" Seth says

I'm about to say something else when I hear a scream that catches my attention so I get up to check on Isabel

"Isabel are you ok" I ask as I hear Sophia crying

An I don't hear anything but crying so I let her know that I am coming then I open the door to see Sophia so I get her an set her down to crawl around then get to Isabel who's crying and laying down in pain as I feel that she's burning up

"Isabel what's wrong" I ask

"It hurts it hurts" Isabel says in tears

"What hurts bel" I ask concerned

"My stomach" she cries

"Bryan.....Bryan" I yell out

Isabel's point of view:

Once brie comes in she grabs Sophia who's in her crib and sets her down to crawl around then she gets to me

"Isabel what's wrong" brie asks concerned

"It hurts it hurts" I say in tears

"What hurts bel" brie asks even more concerned

"My stomach" I cry out

"Bryan...Bryan" Brie yells out

"What is it" Bryan comes in the room

"Get the car you are going to have to take Isabel to the hospital" brie says

"Ok" Bryan says

"Bel it's ok your going to be ok" Brie says

"Sophia is going to stay here with me and birdie until mom comes" brie says

"Hey Brie Bryan sent me here to get Isabel and get her to the car I'll be going with them to help Bryan" I hear Seth say as he comes in

"Ok thanks Seth please call or anything and I'll text you when I'm on my way with Nikki" Brie says

"Ok come on Isabel" Seth says as he picks me up and carefully carries me

"I'll get there as soon as I can sis" Brie says as she kisses my head

Then Seth carries me out of the room and starts taking me to the car as I'm in too much pain to walk

"Your going to be ok bel I got you" Seth says as I'm crying

Once in the car Bryan starts driving to the hospital

After awhile we are finally at the hospital and Bryan parks then Seth carries me out of the car and takes me to the hospital

"We need some help here now" Bryan yells out to a doctor as I'm feeling more pain

"Bring her here" a doctor says

"She's been complaining about stomach pain since last night and she started burning up" Bryan explains as Seth lays me down onto the hospital bed

"Alright let's run some blood tests and let's get a ct body scan and give her some Tylenol for the pain" the doctor says

Hours later I'm still in pain and Seth has been holding my hand to support me as Bryan went to phone brie to tell her what's been going on

When I start to feel the worst stomach pain that I ever felt making me cry even more that I squeeze Seth's hand harder

"Your ok your going to be ok" Seth says talking to me trying to get me through the pain

When the doctor finally comes back in

"She's been feeling more pain and stronger what's going on" Seth asks concerned

"We need to get her up to the OR now" the doctor says

"What's wrong with her" Seth asks

"She has appendicitis so we need to get her surgery now" the doctor says

"Ok bel you need to be strong love I'll be here when you wake up alright" Seth says as he kisses my head

Then the doctor's and nurse's take me up leaving Seth an Bryan walk into the room leaving Seth to explain what the doctor's told him

Seth's point of view:

Once they took Isabel to the OR Bryan came to see the empty room

"Where's Isabel" Bryan asks as I sigh

"They took her up to surgery doctor's say she has appendicitis so they had to take her up to remove the appendix" I explain

"Is brie on her way here" I ask

"Yea so is Nikki Kathy is staying with birdie and Sophia for the mean time" Bryan says

After awhile brie and Nikki come in

"Hey where's bel at" Nikki asks as she sees the room empty

"Doc took her to the OR emergency surgery due to appendicitis so it'll be awhile" I explain

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