-Prince Gumball's P.O.V-

406 18 2

I realized that this was probably the end. I knew where this was going.

I looked up at Marshall Lee. "You have beautiful eyes..." I smiled.

I knew no one had liked the vampire's demon eyes, but I had always liked them. For one, they were mysterious. And two, I liked everything about Marshall. Sure I hadn't confessed to him... and it looked like I wasn't ever going to at this point.

We were way too far from the Candy Kingdom. I held onto the vampire tightly, wheezing a little. The deep hole in my side started to sting, but the pain was bearable.

I closed my eyes and contiued to smile. I shook my head sadly, but kept smiling.

Tears slide down my cheeks as I started to slowly lose my grip on Marshall. "Marshall Lee, promise me that I'm not going to die here..." I opened my eyes weakly, looking into the vampire's ruby red eyes. "Can you do that?..." I stuttered. "For me?..."

Is this the End? (GumLee)Where stories live. Discover now