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Name:  Leo Bosnia Rose

Age: 16

Gender: male


Disorders: adhd, add, glad

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Disorders: adhd, add, glad

Likes: attention, running around, dancing, being loud, energy drinks, open places, food, dog treats, praises, his fur being ruffled, ears and tail being messed with, playing fetch, his fur being combed, petting, praises, climbing trees, fighting, art

DIislikes: tight spaces, swimming, being restrained, his medication, staying still, reading, writing, silence, big words, whispering, his abusive boyfriend

Personality: sweet, caring, energetic, hyper, sensitive, protective, possessive, flirty, speed talker, stubborn, he's a fighter.

Backstory: He grew up in an insane place because he said he claims he can see ghosts and demons. His mother and father put him in an insane place, in which he escaped and killed 3 people. He ran to the United states, where the authority couldn't get him there. He is wanted in canada, alabama, and china. He met justin, who soon became his boyfreind. Soon he started to drink and started to abuse leo. When his parents found him, they tried to have him killed. He tried to always see the positive side of things. He gets bullied but doesn't really fight back for fear of his strength.

Family: Unknown.

Scinerio!!!: Male it up!!!I

Position: Uke

Sorry my Wi-Fi fucking sucks xd!


LoneWanderer-203 if I tag you twice then it's didn't work and I did it again XD

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