"Blood and Dust" | Yandere Error X Ink

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Authors Note: Man it's been awhile since I did a chapter... Sorry, I've just been busy. Anyway, ALOT of people requested this. So enjoy!


  Ink stared at the floor, then at the void Error has always been. "Hello? Error?" Ink wandered around looking for the glitchy skeleton. "I just wanted to talk to you." The artist then continued to look around. But then he caught something that wasn't in the void before... Clothes of a Deceased skeletons. Dream, Nightmare, Cross, and Classic. Ink looked away in horror and disgust. It was in that moment he heard a skeleton laugh. But it wasn't a normal laugh... It was Glitchy...

"HeLlo Inky~"

The Artist immidiantly looked back to reveal a bloody Error. "E-Error? Y...You did this?" Ink asked, his eyes widening with fear. "YoU lOOk SUrprISed Darling~ Of cOurSe I DiD iT tHey WeRe TRyIng tO tAKe yoU awAy frOm me." Error then grabbed Inks face. Ink didn't know what to do. He was going numb. And feeling bad that he couldn't save his friends. Error then reached over and gave Ink a passionate kiss.

Ink shrugged back. But the destroyer himself pulled Ink onto him. The artist stared at Error. He always had feelings for him. But... Error just killed all his friends. And there were the ones Ink was supposed to protect. Error then kissed Ink again. This time on the forehead. "DoN'T hIDe wHaT yoU rEaLLy fEel~ I alReAdy kNOw hOW yOu fEEl abOut me." Error whispered seductively. Deep down Ink knew he was right. Ink sighed and hoped this was all just a bad dream. But in reality it wasn't.

"Is iT bEcAUse yOU dONt havE a souL? Hmm?~" Error asked. The artist looked down is despair, but shakly nodded his head. "It's true..." Ink sighed, Error then proceeded to kiss him. But this time... As unexpected to Ink himself... Ink kissed back.