Tag/Let me McLive my life

19 1 0

Alright ya'lls I got a thicc tag from @Adrienette102 

I know this was a while ago, but it's not like a tag goes stale.

My Gosh. People, am I right?

*Ahem* Anyway, back to this tag. Well, sort of because it's a tagging contest

You're probably wondering why I haven't started by now, right? Well, that's because I hate social interaction and I'm currently questioning my life decisions by responding to this tag :3

(I'm going to tag a few people because I already know I lost this competition. I'm sorry, can't please everyone. My life is already pushing up daisies)

Person JUAN: @songbird34 (Bro #JUAN)

Person DOS: @Adrienette102 (No one said no tag-backs ;3)

Person TRES:  (My long lost bro)

Person CUATRO: @24Mae02 (Yeet)

Person CINCO: @KathrynCamis (Sister struggles my dude)

Person SEIS:  (Get pranked)

Person SIETE: @EmmaNoir4 (My dude)

Welp, I think that McWraps things up

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