Everything has changed

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Just wanted to tell you guys that verycornfused has a oneshot with the same concept, even though the plot is completely different. If you haven't checked it out already, what are you doing here? Go to her story, she's amazing!!

Also, this is the first time I wrote something that isn't 100 % fluff. I made it a bit more mature, even though I have as much personal experience as a 7 year old in that department. Still nothing major though, you don't need to take a bath in holy water, sprinkle a few drops on your pillow before you go to bed and you should be good 😊


Scene 13, corridor, near the lockers

A = characters
A = description/details
A = text

Synopsis: Billy walks through the corridor to his next class. He sees that Ivy is getting bullied and stands up for her.

Billy: Looks shocked when he sees the boys surrounding Ivy. Walks faster towards them.
"Hey! Don't you dare bothering her!"

Ivy: looks at Billy with a vulnerable expression. In slightly stuttering voice:
"No, Billy, I- I'm okay"

Billy: looks angry at the bullies. "Dont you  dare coming near her ever again. Do I make myself clear?"  Takes Ivy by her arm and pulls her into him. Then kisses her (actors are free to improvise in this scene. The most important thing is that it looks real, so the actors are free to decide how they kiss, how long, etc...)


Sean's pov, 1st person

I sighed deeply, worries clouding my mind, my brain coming up with scenarios I didn't want to imagine. I had just finished reading one of the many scenes Kaycee and I had to act in for our very first movie.

Many months ago, I had read about an audition for a new movie. It immediately interested me, and I had convinced her to go with me. The movie was about 2 best friends, Billy and Ivy, who were in high school, and their adventures together throughout their teenage years. Not really that special, but still a good chance to start our acting career with.

When the director had seen the way we acted around eachother while waiting for each of our turns to go into the audition room, he'd immediately asked us to go in at the same time. Apparently, he saw the chemistry we had, because we got the 2 main roles. And that's why I was sitting on the couch in our living room right now, Oreo curled up in my lap, reading one of the scenes from the movie.

I hadn't read the script before.

And I didn't know Kaycee and I had to kiss.

Most people probably think that I'd have jumped at the chance to kiss her. And in all honesty, if I had had the  feelings I have for her for someone else, I probably would have.

But I fell in love with Kaycee Rice.

And that made everything a lot more complicated.

You see, Kaycee's never been a big fan of physical contact, with no-one. It has taken years for us to hug without her tensing up, or me feeling guilty that I made her uncomfortable. We had worked so hard on the bond we have now, and I was afraid that being forced closer than she was comfortable with would do the exact opposite: scaring her away.

Sean Lew & Kaycee Rice || Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now