Thank you A/N

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Thank you everyone for reading my story. I enjoyed writing it, it helped me release untold thoughts.

I just want to tell you all that you are beautiful, so please do not harm yourself. Please do not decide to end it, there are people there for you.

Call someone, seek support from a peer, family, or a support group.

Everyone deserves to live, and that includes you.

So, please stay alive amazing little human.

Yes, this is a fiction story, though I let out a lot of my own inner demons into this piece.

Everyone has problems :)

Don't judge a perspective you have not seen, is one of my mottos.

Another one is,

"You deserve to be happy, you deserve to live a life you are excited about, don't let others make you forget that."

You can do this, I believe in you.

If you need someone to talk to, than private message me. I'll try to respond as fast as I can.

Much Love to everyone,

-The Author

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