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With a frustrated sigh,I press the bridge of my nose and stare at the latest email from the board. I've been taking too much shit from these assholes.

"Good morning, brother dearest," Sterling opens the heavy oak door to my office without announcing himself—or knocking for that matter.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

His dark blonde hair is tussled, and he's wearing a raggedy t-shirt with a pair of worn out jeans. Did he just come from working? No, he probably rolled out of bed and decided to ask me for money. Not that he needs it, but he hates to contact his financial adviser. He feels like it's asking permission from Dad even though that's not the case. The guy is there to serve him, and Dad is no longer with us.

"Goody, you're in a great mood today." He grins, pleased that he's gotten a reaction out of me.

"Sterling," I warn him.

"Have you thought about getting laid?" His lazy smile matches the tone of his voice. "It might take the edge off."

He walks around the office, stops in front of the bookcase grabbing one of the frames. "I heard Abigail is back in town. You should finally tap that."

My gut churns, and I swear if we weren't at the office ... I sigh because I wouldn't hit him even when he makes me want to murder him.

"Are you just turning in?" I check my watch. It's eight o'clock in the morning.

My brother works at night—after partying. He sleeps all morning, sometimes he doesn't wake up until the sun has set.

"As a matter of fact, I started early today." He yawns.

"Anita," he calls my assistant. "Would you mind bringing me a latte, please?"

He turns to me, arching an eyebrow. "Do you want some coffee?"

I show him my mug. "We don't have lattes in this office."

"You wouldn't mind running to the coffee shop, would you, beautiful?" He walks toward Anita's desk, handing her a bill. "Make sure it has three shots of espresso."

Anita smiles at my brother as if he were a god and she's happy to serve him. She promptly leaves her post without a word.

"She's my assistant," I growl, closing my eyes.

Fuck. I need to shed the frustration before I choke someone. I look at him and smirk, maybe I'll choke my own brother.

"Why are you so happy today, Justin?" His sarcastic remark elevates my blood pressure.

I rise from my seat and walk around the office to settle my temper.

"What do you want, Sterling?" I stop by the window admiring the mountains and wishing I were in Tahoe, just programming without any distraction—except for Abby.

"The board requested my presence," he sighs.

I turn around and watch him plop down on the leather couch.

"They want you at the emergency meeting?" I crook an eyebrow at him, before going back to my desk to reread the memo.

It clearly states that they'd like to meet with the members of the family. I wonder if Mom received it and if she's planning on coming too, but that's impossible, considering they sent it less than an hour ago. They should know that Mom lives in Phoenix and she can't just fly in whenever they decide to hold a meeting. Dad gave the board members too much power.

"I don't plan on attending." He swings his legs up on the couch and rests his head back on the arm. "You have to explain to these assholes that I don't work for the company. Actually, I'd be happy to sell you my part of the company if that would get them off my back."

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