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Disclaimer: This story utilises characters, situations and premises that are copyright Masashi Kishimoto, Shueisha, Shonen Jump and Viz media. No infringement on their respective copyrights pertaining to episodes, novelisations, comics or short stories is intended by KuriQuinn in any way, shape or form. This fan-oriented story is written solely for the author's own amusement and the entertainment of the readers. It is not for profit. Any resemblance to real organizations, institutions, products or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

All plot and Original Characters except for those introduced in the canon books, manga, video games, novelizations and anime, are the sole creation of KuriQuinn. (© KuriQuinn 2016- )

Rating: T

Warning: Slight OOC but only since the characters are from an alternate timeline.

Canon-Compliance: None. Alternate Reality / Alternate Timeline (Meanwhiles & Neverweres 'Verse)

Beta Reader: Sakura's Unicorn


Sasuke Uchiha is convinced that Sakura Haruno is a demon.

From her ridiculously coloured hair to her too-bright eyes to the way she walks around with a straight back, exuding total confidence in a way none of the other kids do. Unlike the other girls who silently clamour to sit beside him on their first day at the Academy, she chooses a seat at the very front of the class and reads what looks like an instructional scroll until their instructor arrives. When she notices him staring at her, she looks up and smiles in a way that makes the whole room feel uncomfortably warm—like he's her very favourite person in the world, even though they've never actually met.

Sasuke decides right then that there is something about her he doesn't trust.

It turns out his instincts on this one are good because she's weird.

Several mornings into the new academic year, Sasuke waits in the classroom, anticipating the moment when the first students start to trickle in and another tedious day of lessons begins. The peace of the morning is abruptly broken by hurried footsteps and a slamming door. Before he can react, he is cornered by a flushed and panting girl who boldly plants herself barely two feet away from him.

He, of course, knows her from class, but they've never even exchanged two words before. Yet, she addresses him as if they know each other well.

"Sasuke, there's something I have to tell you because I might not get another chance," she declares without even introducing herself. For a moment, she hesitates. It's like the words are stuck in her throat, but then she squares her shoulders. "I have feelings for you—" Which brings him up short because theirs is a short acquaintance, and it's the first time any member of the female species has said something like this to him. "—but I can't spend my time chasing after you. I have to become a powerful shinobi, and if I'm focussed on you right now, it will take me longer. Just remember that, okay?"

And then she takes off again, leaving him utterly perplexed.

And annoyed.

Sasuke doesn't have much patience for practical jokes, if this is what her outburst was, and he has even less for people who waste his time. Her little declaration serves no actual point that he can discern, and yet it feels like there is a significance to it. Something beyond the strange confession, like she's trying to offer him some secret message.

Something more than a notion as ridiculous as feelings.

He spends an entire hour puzzling over it before gravely deciding he's too important to be thinking of such things. She said she won't pay attention to him, and he takes that as an indication that he won't be bothered by any more of her strangeness. The matter is safely stored in the back of his mind, phased out in favour of wheedling training sessions from Itachi and telling his parents about his successes in class.

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