chapter 14

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Harold POV
    Its Friday. Doc says Hel could wake up at anytime. The house has been scrubbed clean, repainted, floors redone, everything. We took some of our money to get furniture and the reapers got half for Helena. All that's left is her grandfather study. Which i pick up later. I haven't told the gang yet. I don't know exactly what will happen. Hopefully I can get the mans sons to help move it. I wonder who they are to Hel, they seemed really concerned the other day. We are going tomorrow to attack the dragons. Hopefully Hel won't wake up till we get back.
     I walk out the house and jump in a truck and get a trailer hooked up. Then I drive off to the wood shop. "Hello welcome to the wood shop." the old mans voice rings through the air. "Hello, I camefor Anderson's things." I call out to him. Soon his old wrinkly face comes around the corner as bright as ever. "Yes! We are ready. Oh I can't wait to see it in her office." he chimes. "Her office?" I ask. "Yes. The things in there... They are hers now. We made a few modification to give it her own special touch. Oh gosh I miss my Heyhey." one of the sons say coming from the back. "How do you know them if I my ask." I say. "We were... Friends." the old man says. My eyes widen with recognition. "I recognize you! In the pictures." I exclaim. "Nonsense son. The only pictures we had are gone. Hidden forever. " he says. "In his hidden room." I whisper. His eyes widen. "You found it?" he asks. "I had picked a book up the was wedged between the wall and a bookcase and the bookcase fell revealing the stairs which we followed and found the room." I whispered to him. "May I see the pictures?" he asks, tears welling in his eyes. I nod. "Ok lets get these loaded up and head over there." he says with a sad smile. We all nod and begin moving the items. "Don't worry my sons know of my past." he says. And i stiffen. "Your in a gang right?" he asks. I nod. "Im sure they wouldn't mode becoming allies." he states. I nod. "Nope consider yourself our ally. And Hel as well." one son says passing me. I nod. We finish loading them up and drive to the house. Once we get there. The sons begin to move everything upstairs. Not giving me a chance to help. "Can we see the pictures?" he asks. I nod and we walk upstairs. I move the bookshelf and we slowly descend the stairs, together me and the old man walk down the tunnel. "Does Helena know about this room?" I ask him. "Not that she remembers." "what do you mean?" I question. "When she was young, she had went to a camp where the people... Well it was a assassin camp. She excelled but then something happened and sent her into a coma. When she woke up she didn't remember anything. Except her friend Emily, her parents, and her grandparents." he informs me. "So this isn't the first coma she's been in?" I say but it comes out as a question. The old man and I walk into the room and he smiles. I open the computer and show him the pictures. "This isn't the first time she's died." he says.  A few minutes passed as he looked through the pictures. He finally reached the end. "When Helena wakes up, please show her these." he says. I nod. We walk back down the tunnel and up the stairs. Walking into the office, it looks almost exactly the same. "Thank you so much!" I tell them. "You're welcome. Let us know when Hel wakes up. I would love to see her again." the old man says. "Of course." with that we all walk down stairs and they leave. As they leave the gang pulls up. "Who was that?" Anthony asks. "Bobby Anderson's friend." I say. "What? What were they doing here?" they ask. I smile and walk upstairs and to the study. They walk in behind me. "Wow. It looks almost exactly the same!" Dylan states. I smile and nod. With that we all go and take care of gang related things, homework, and ate. Then we went to bed. Tomorrow we go and take down the dragons. Our plan is in place, and they have no idea what's about to hit them.

Helena's pov
    After what felt like forever a light shows in my vision. Walking to it, I walk into a beautiful ball room. In the middle stands a man that looks familiar. I slowly walk towards him. A few feet away I stop. "Hello my dear Helena. How is life treating you?" he asks. "They ruined your study." I say. "Hmm well good thing it didn't mean much right?" he says. "What! That room meant everything to me!" I yell at him. "I am still your grandfather you will not raise your voice at me." he scolds. My anger falters and soon fades away. "Im sorry grandfather. Its all I have left of you." I confess. "Not true my dear. You are apart of me. You remind me so much of myself. So much that I hate it." I nod. "May I have this dance?" grandfather asks. I smile the biggest smile I have in 3 years. I take his hand and we begin to ballroom dance. "I've seen you are back with the reapers, and have made friends with the hatchets." he says smiling. "Yes I have. I missed this part of me." I tell him. We stayed quiet, dancing to 2 more songs. "Sweetheart. Its time to go back." he says. Tears well in my eyes. "Must I leave you?" I ask looking down. He raises my chin with his finger, "yes my darling." I smile. "I've missed you so much. I don't want to leave." I confess. "I understand. But your story isn't over. So get back out there and show them who they are messing with." he says with his signature smirk. I smirk back. "Ok grandfather..." a sad smile forms on my face. He kisses me on my forehead and my head begins to hurt. Blackness takes over again. Then clips begin to play. Little me and a guy I recognize as mack at camp. Guns and knives littered the ground around us. We were fighting. And I pinned him to the ground. "Alright my little assassin." he says, and I let go. Smiling.  The clip changes. Its me and grandfather walking into his office. But we don't sit. We go through a door behind his bookcase, down some stairs, Down a tunnel, and into a room a warm feeling spread through me as little me turned around. Then it changes again. To me standing with a knife in my hand with people laying dead and bloody around me, with grandfather on the other side of the room with a gun. Clip after clip flashes through my mind. The years I had forgotten. But soon it all fades away as my eyes snap open and my body sits up straight. "Ms. Anderson your awake!" a man in a lab coat says. I stare at him. "Where is Anthony? Gavin? The gang?" I ask. "They.. Huh.. Um." he falters. "They went to some house, wouldn't tell us what was happening. Says its personal." jay says. I nod. "Im going home." I say. They both nod and leave. I get up and change into black jeans and a black tank top. I slip on combat boots and leave. I ride my motorcycle to the house. Without a second thought I walk into grandfather office and stop. The house is normal and clean again. His office is different though. The furniture... It was slightly different but I liked it. I moved the bookcase and went to the room. Looking around, some of the guns were missing and there was a extra table. It had a plan for a house on it with different markings not matching mine or grandfathers hand writing. "The dragons." I say to myself. I load up on ammo, guns, and knives. Then I leave. I take a truck and drive to where the dragons last known location was. I pull onto a dirtroad by the house and notice hidden bikes as I pass. They're here. I turn the truck around and drive to the house. Stopping at the guards post. "Hey baby. Why don't you open these gates for me." I say. "Only if you open your legs for me." he smirks. I smirk back. Pulling out a pistol with a silencer on it and shoot the guards on post. Then I open the gates and drive in. I back up close to the door and get out. Shooting could be heard faintly but then it stopped. I walked in the front door and stopped. Bodies everywhere. "Well well well... It looks like you all came to me." a voice says. Isn't that the dude I had clean the hospital? "You bastard! You sent our sister into a coma!" Harold yells. "And now when she wakes up... She will have the news of your death. You could hear the smirk in his voice. "Actually!" I yell. As I begin to walk away from the front door. "Who is that!" he grits. I giggle. "Bring them!" he orders. "You would be better quiet. Like I could hear your entire conversation from outside." I say looking around. "Hel? Your awake?" Anthony asks. "Yeah.. Woke up like a hour ago. Heard all were gone. Got some memories back, saw yall found the room I had forgotten. Saw your plans. Noticed yall were a man short on it. And decided since I remember everything I might as well use it." I explain as I open the fridge and take out a soda. "I also saw grandfathers office. Thank you." I say with a smile as I open the soda and take a drink. "Enough!" idiot yells. I pull out my pistol and shoot those with guns to the gangs heads. They quickly move next to me. "Didn't I tell you not to mess with me? " I asked him. "I don't take orders from girls." he sneers. I giggle and shot a few more of his men. "You know... Another thing I remember.. A few days before grandfathers health began to decrease. And I don't mean right before he got real bad. But before when it started. We were at a party. Someone.. Other than myself, in this room was there." He stiffened. "He had slipped something into his drink and it all began." I say. He shifts on his feet. "So... Tell me... Why did you do as I said in the car but not afterwards? Did you realise that I lost my memory?" I asked. He nodded. "Well my friend... I remember now. And now... You're fucked." I growl the last part. Soon the gang had guns in their hands and we were firing. He started to run and I shot both of his knees causing him to fall. A scream erupts from him. 6 more shots pierce his flesh. "I always was better with knives." I tell him as I roll him on his back and take out a knife. I turn it a few times in my hand before throwing it and landing it in the middle of his neck. With that we walk out and burn the building. We hop in my truck, I take them to their bikes and we go home. Where I sleep until the next morning. Memories play f through my mind all through the night. Years.. I was missing years and didn't know it. A whole other part of me that I am only now finding.

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