news of a dear one

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"It was the first day in a while of seeing all my friends I hope I remember them alot"she cryed to herself

"Knock knock goes the door"

She answers it and there standing was Krystal, Tyler'Elliott , Alex,Karrigan,Marley and shamaila

"Tash" they all shouted out" oh my god were have you been what have you been doing" they cryed

They had a massive chat for hours until on friend tell her the news of jegor

"were is jegor "tash asked

"didnt you here tash jegors died" replied karrigan

"it was a couple of months ago " marley replied

"we don't know who it happened but it did and we thought you knew"alex yelled

"I didnt know I am so sorry " tash replied why crying

they sat there for a long time talking about jegor  untile hours passed then they thought again why are we upset like this he should be thinking good memory's about him

tash yelled out "let go out and celebrate with the memorys"

they were all at the right age to go out and have lot of fun so they did

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