Athazagoriaphobia ➳ Zach Kornfeld

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This one is written as Zach Kornfeld of The Try Guys. This means you can read as if you are him, as he wrote the words and what he's feeling. Interpret it as you wish. If you don't like the chosen character, choose your own. I'm not stopping you.

Silent conversations fall past their lips like drool, 

lying on my deaf ears as loud and piercing as police sirens.

My seemingly all-knowing eyes quickly dive to the table, resting there.

I watch the mute and blind take no notice, for they cannot hear the sound their own aura emit. 

They do not want me here, they want me gone. 

I do not leave. 

They do not force my leaving, 

they do not perform as so. 

Their vocal chords begin to drool once more, my drums no longer muffling the sound.

The slime is blaring, only I am infected. 

My heart begins to bleed for our lost interconnection.

I truly hear what they desire.

Finally, I do not ignore as they request of me, daily.

The next day, I am gone.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2018 ⏰

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