Chapter 4

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I spent the afternoon putting up barriers around the house meant to keep out "unwanted" company. Calum trailing me the entire time.

"I've never seen a witch do magic up close before" he admitted, leaning against a tree behind me.

"I've never seen a werewolf change" I told him.

"You don't want to" was his grave reply.

            I turned to face him. His features had softened under the shade, exposing the subtle pout in his lips and boyish messiness of his hair. On his arm I spotted the mark of the werewolf, a black tribal band around the bicep, appearing like a tattoo but representing so much more.

I moved towards him slowly, reaching my hand out to touch his mark. He tensed under my fingertips, watching me with guarded eyes. "You know...I've always been fascinated with werewolves" I said softly.

He held a small amused grin. "Really?"

I nodded. "Wolves...their beautiful, misunderstood creatures. Too many judge them as savages when really they're quite intelligent."

            Looking up, I met his dark brown eyes. He had shifted his weight causing us to stand closer together than when I first approached him. My fingers still pressed into the black mark of his arm. His warmth radiated onto me. I could smell him now, pine and earth, the natural musk of the forests. His aura began glowing like a rainbow. At that moment I wasn't seeing the aura of an Alpha though, I was seeing Calum the boy with dark hair and nice eyes. He seemed to tower above me, offering warmth and protection.

He began leaning towards me. "I agree."

            I could have met him halfway, we could have kissed just then. Fate had other things in mind though for Brody came bounding down the steps of the front porch and yelling for me.

"Sel, Sel, we're out of salt!"

I sighed, the moment gone at the hands of my partner.

"How can we be out already? You bought like four bags."

            He jogged over to us. By the time he reached me I had taken a step away from Calum and dropped my hand from his arm. I could see the dissatisfaction in his energy.

"This place is allot bigger than it looks" he shrugged, casually draping an arm over me.

He smelled of sweat and vodka.

I sighed. "Go get some more and I'll finish the rest of the outside."

He gave me a familiar look, the look that said "I don't like leaving you alone in strange places".

"I'll be fine. Calum's here and so is the rest of his pack" I shrugged.

He still didn't budge. Brody wasn't one to trust so easily, even after I had confirmed the moral status of those around us. Even though I've only known Calum and his pack for a few hours I felt like they would do no real harm. We weren't a threat to them and as people their intentions were good. I felt like I could trust the Alpha with my life if the situation every came up.

Brody's protectiveness always made me smile, even in the most dangerous situations. He cared and it was rare for Brody to care. "I'll stay inside with the boys if that makes you feel better."

He finally gave in with a heavy sigh and a shake of his head.

"Anything happens to her, I'll kill you" he warned Calum with a hard glare.

Calum just gave a quick short nod.

            I quickly finished the side of the house, my new wolf friend trailing close behind. I'm not entirely sure where the other boys were. I think they might be inside actually.

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