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its been so long since i wrote in this. sorry for no capitals im lazy. so much have gone on in my life since  24.09.18 which was the last time i wrote in this. it has been two months but it feels two years ago when i started freshmen year. technically it been only one month but still feels like years. 

i got the hang of things since september. im getting decent grades and i know how to get to class. i even learned shortcuts on the way to each class. im starting to use my locker more since its snowing here a lot. life here got easier for me. i just have to make sure nothing too crazy happens. if you miss a week you have at the minimum 10 assignments to do. and thats just the computer version. have to take tests, quizzes, etc. even if you miss one day you will be behind. so you cant miss any.

our school strives to be the best in a lot of things. mostly sports. you can take many foreign languages (including german, latin, spanish,etc.) you have to take at least 40 hours of community service or else you wont graduate. you need fine arts and athletic points to. if you fail a class in 9th grade you have to be held back to take that class again. you need to always take a type of math, science, reading and writing, and history.  you can take study hall to help catch up with. 

i also realize that freshmen year is the most important year. its were you need to make friends, join sports, get the best grades. so much pressure is put on you to become the greatest. and you'll have a meltdown. which is not the best because you will have problems outside of school too. i will have around sixteen years of school including college. 

school is not bad you just need to do it right apparently. but how do you do it right? my back hurts, i have little friends, and my grades are just decent. im not even good at german yet! i thought it was a lot easier. 

well i need to sign out. this is nowhere near what i wanted to say but i feel better.

till next time

over and out

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