Chapter 1

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Oh hey. I'm back. Follow me on Twitter, and enjoy a good haters  to lovers arc. There's a similar story on Ao3 called 'selfish' by WhoLenny but this will kind of be different, but that's the inspiration. Tell me what y'all think.

'And we know it's never simple, never easy, never a clean break, no one here to save me. And I can't breathe without you, but I have to.'


She knows she shouldn't.

She knows corrupting the only good person she's met, the only good person in the entire town, but she can't stop herself.

And she's pure. God, she's so pure.

And she knows she shouldn't.

But she does anyway.


The first time Cheryl sees her it's bad. Not because she's bad. God, she's amazing. But Cheryl knows its gonna end bad. She can sense it. She could stop it. But she doesn't.

Cotton candy hair and a smile that could get you to do anything. And that stupid name, Toni Topaz. And the second Cheryl sees her, it's all over. Cheryl can't forget her. Cheryl tries. But she can't.


It's not like Cheryl stalks her, because she doesn't. Cheryl just knows that she walks from Chemistry to History, which they have together, and Cheryl knows that if she can get out of her class in time, she can walk in front of her. Because she's a laggard when it comes to leaving her Chemistry class. And because Cheryl enjoys the feeling of Toni's eyes burning into her back.

And Cheryl also knows that she only comes to Pops once a week. She doesn't know why considering it like the only other place to eat. Toni gets a chocolate milkshake and steals Jughead's fries. But Cheryl doesn't notice that, defiantly not.

She also has two other friends who she spends most her time with. A really tall boy who looks like he gets 3 hours of sleep every night and a really beautiful tan boy, with the prettiest eyes. She's not attracted to him, or any boy for that matter, but he has the prettiest eyes. Not that she notices her friends though, because she doesn't.


But there's something that comes in between them. Not her mother, she could easily deal with that. It's not the Scooby Gang or any of the other Neanderthals who go to Riverdale High. It's that damn leather jacket, which she can totally pull off if not for the Serpent sewn in the back, branding her as one of them.

One of them who helped murdered her JJ. Her innocent, loving, gorgeous, JJ. And sure, Cheryl knows that it's not Toni's fault, but that leather jacket, that leather jacket.

It's the only reason it won't work. At least, that's what Cheryl tells herself.

But Cheryl can't stop herself from falling for her. No matter how hard she tries, she just can't.


So Cheryl writes 'T' on her wrist everyday. To remind her. To remind her that even when her mother is at her worst, that Toni's out there, with her stupid smile and her stupid laugh that makes Cheryl's heart rate pick up.

Veronica's the first to notice, actually. Which is surprising because when do anyone from the Scooby Gang notice anything about her, unless she's doing something relevant to them. But Veronica notices.

"T?" She asks one day at Vixens practice. Cheryl forces a fake smile.

"It stands for 'tantalizing', which is exactly what I am." Cheryl lies. Because she can't think of a better excuse.

"Oh." Veronica says, suspicious of the reason. But she decides to drop it because it was obviously something Cheryl didn't want to talk about


And yes, Cheryl Bombshell never gets crushes. But she can't deny her feelings for the stupid Toni Topaz. And yet, she can't deny the stupid snake on her back either.

And as per usual, the feelings and the emotions get pushed down to the deepest depths of Cheryl's heart and locks them away. The only person to ever have a key was Jason. And that key was lost in Sweetwater River, just like Jason's body.

Cheryl wanted to have another one made. She wanted someone to ask her if she was okay, or ask her how she was feeling. But she's the HBIC, and no one cares about the HBIC. No one cares.

Until Cheryl throws a party

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