Chapter 1

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I tossed over under the newspapers, behind the bins that I used for cover. I had to escape these people one way or another. Sleepily sitting up, I grabbed my small backpack and shoved the newspapers inside. As I lifted the bag onto my shoulder, I took a short glimpse at the bruises and cuts covering my arms and legs. Taking a deep breath, I checked the money I had stored secretly in my pocket. I only had £15.25 left. That would barely last me a week.
I stood up and sprinted to the end of the alleyway, checking that they weren't on the road that the alleyway lead to. The wind seemed to pick up a bit. I only saw a woman wearing sunglasses holding hands with a man, who was similarly wearing them. I watched as they exchanged kisses, unbeknownst of me staring. They carried on walking, looking around as if they were also hiding from someone. Taking a risk, I walked up to them, curious if they could help me.
"Uh, Hi." I said nervously shuffling my feet.
"Can we help you?" The man said, removing his sunglasses revealing his green eyes.
"Um, yeah. You see, I ran away because my supposed legal carer kept beating me. I don't know where to go." I explained, indicating my bruises.
"Oh, um, come with us, don't worry." The woman exclaimed, taking my hand. I shied away from her, pulling my hand out of her soft grip. "We won't hurt you. Trust me."
She also took off her sunglasses, showing her deep brown eyes.
"What's your name?" The man asked.
"I don't know." I replied slowly.
"What did they call you where you come from?" The woman said.
"Girl, Nuisance, Surplus, Asshole." I replied, thinking of the endless list of names I had back then. "They never gave me a proper name. They wanted a boy and got me."
"Oh my gosh! How could anyone treat someone like you like that?" The woman said to the man. "My name's Lily by the way."
"I'm Matt." The man added. I nodded, taking in all their words. Lily held my hand as I winced at the pain of my almost dissected hand. Still I let her hold it and Matt took my other hand. We walked along together, Lily and Matt putting their sunglasses back on.
"Why do you wear those sunglasses like you're hiding from someone?" I asked, using my youth and curiosity as an excuse to get answers.
"I'll tell you why when we get to our house." Matt said. We continued walking around and arrived at a house that had a sign saying 'Private' on it. I figured the couple were pretty rich to own such a house.
"This is where we live." Lily explained. "You're welcome to stay here for a while whilst we sort things out."
"How old are you?" Matt asked me.
"5. I think. I also think my birthday's somewhere in April." I replied. "I don't know much."
"That's okay. We need to give you a name for the time being." Lily said, picking me up and hugging me. "You're very light! Are you hungry? I'm sure Matt would cook us all a meal."
She looked intently at Matt who nodded and ran to the kitchen.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2018 ⏰

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