I understand now...

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How do you love someone you've never met? I've always wondered that since I was small. Mainly because my brother loved a boy he'd never met. I've always wondered how they fell in love, how they first met, what was it he fell in love with. Our parents weren't happy about it, about how he fell in love but they got used to it and supported him enough to allow them to meet each other. I always wondered how?

I understand now. Now that I found my person that I've never met but have fallen in love with. I've fallen in love with five piece called Roadtrip. They, as a whole, make me so happy and I love them all, all five of them for what they have done for me without even meeting me. But there's one who stands out for me. His name is Mikey. There's just something about him that makes me feel safe and at home.

I understand now that you don't need to be in the same place as someone to have love at first sight. As soon as I saw them I knew they are going to be a big part of my life. Who knew how much they'd change my life? Who knew?

(Sorry it's sort I'm trying to build suspense)

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