Scene 6 - Unsuspected Capture

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Workoth and his men are busy on their way to Ohshernam, little do they know some trouble is about to be stirred.


(Andrew and his group pass through Coverdans, the capital city of Ashdon. They continue the journey until they reach a motel just outside the borders of their very large homeland.)

Andrew - Alright gentlemen. We are going to rest here for the night.

(The horses quickly set to work. Oliver is unhitched and led over to Workoth)

Fredrick - What would you like us to do with Hemingrich, Drew?

Andrew - I have him stabled in the carriage barn.

Fredrick - With the carriage horses!

Andrew - Yes Fredrick. Is there a problem with that?

(The chains around Oliver's neck jingle as the gray horse lifts his head up. While Andrew looks at Fredrick intensely.)

Fredrick - No sir, but who will watch him so that he cannot escape.

Andrew - Then I expect that you tie him in the barn extremely well. Plus, I'm sure Oliver knows what will happen to him if he tries to escape. (Turns head slightly to face Oliver)

Oliver - Yes sir.

Andrew - My point. See to it that Hemingrich is taken care of and get some rest. We have a ton of ground to cover tomorrow.

Fredrick - Yes sir.

Andrew - I will see you both in the morning. Goodnight gentlemen.

(Andrew bows just a little before turning away from the stallions and heading inside the motel)

Fredrick - (yanks Oliver's chain) Come on you.

(Hours pass. The stars still shining brightly in the sky. Andrew is sleeping peacefully in the motel bed when he is suddenly attacked. An unidentified horse jumps on Workoth and places a white cloth over his eyes.)

Andrew - What the!?

Horse - (forcefully) Get up.

(Andrew get out of the bed and stands)

Horse - (forcefully still) Move.

(Andrew walks toward the doorway slowly. Another unidentified horse opens the door.)

Horse - (kicks Andrew) Let's go.

Broken AlliesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя