Chapter 1

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        I wake up in the school library, I don't even know why or how I am here, but I am. I groggily rub my eyes and get one of those really good stretches in. I grab all my work and put it in its folder, then my bag. I grab my phone to see its 4:00. How long was I asleep for? I rush out the library to  come face-to-face with the last person I wanted to see, Peter Parker. His face burns bright red "Oh my god im so sorry Samantha! I was not watching where I was going and um kinda ran into you, are you ok?" He asks fastly and jumbling his words. "Im fine I got to go." I say very stiffly. I push past him not looking back and then retreating into the performing arts center. Thank god Mary Jane's play is still going on or else i'd be doomed.

I settle down in my seat when a angry Gwen Stacy marches Into the performing arts center and slaming her stuff down and hastily taking a seat next to me. I turn to her and start to open my mouth when she starts going off on me. "Where the hell were you Samantha Marie? I waited for an hour waiting for you to show up! Did you forget?" she practically yells. Shoot. I had planned to meet up with Gwen at 3:00 at a little coffee shop we love going to. "I'm sorry Gwen, I was doing my Biology homework and I fell asleep in the library." I say back with an apologetic tone. "You still left me waiting like some fool! I don't care what you were doing or where you were, You fricken left me hanging! She yells now. I noticed the play went quiet. "I cant take it today Gwen, I made a mistake falling asleep while doing homework ok? please don't yell at me!" I say back while grabbing my bag and marching out the door.

I practically run to the nearest bathroom, locking myself in. I started crying and hugging myself. Today truly was a bad day for me because, first I wake up late and miss the bus, then spill chocolate milk all over myself at lunch, and now Gwen Stacy is mad at me. I hear someone walk in the bathroom "Sammy, I'm sorry I did not know you had a tough day today, please come out and talk to me." Gwen's voice carry's through the bathroom. I walk out knowing I look like shit and not looking Gwen in the eyes start cleaning myself up. "Want to go get coffee and rant about our days?" Gwen asks. I nod and finish cleaning up.

We ditched Mary Jane back at the school nearly twenty minuets ago, ranting about our day and laughing when my phone goes off. I look at the ID to see  'Mary Jane' I quickly answer and signal for Gwen to shut up.

"Hello?" I ask stupidly knowing a storm is brewing

"Where the hell are you guys?" Mary Jane yells through the phone making me go partly deaf.

"Sweet Things café Mary Ja---"  I say then she rudely hangs up on me.

"We are in for it big time." I say to Gwen whos smile is just a faint shadow on her face. We sat there for ten minuets before Mary Jane practically flys through the door looking flustered. "Why did you guys leave me?" she said. "Did you not here me yelling at Sam? I made her mad and we needed to come to talk about it Mary Jane," Gwen says fastly, trying to calm MJ down. "Aye! Ms. Wattson, Your usual?" asks Ms. Peterson the owner. "Yes please Ms Peterson." Mary Jane replies and sits down next to me. She lets out a sigh "sorry I yelled im just frustrated." said MJ "We all have those days." I say.

We were laughing and telling stupid jokes when my phone goes off. the ID this time says 'Ash' I quickly answer my twin.

'Hey Ash, whats up?" I say.

"Not much and you might wanna get home soon, Mom is freaking out." Ash replies.

"Ok leaving the Café now." I say then hang up.

I turn to Mary jane and Gwen "Got to go, my mom is worried. see you ladies later." I say and turn on my heels slinging my bag on my right shoulder. Me being me, I decide to walk down an allyway. bad idea. "Hey pretty lady, where ya going?" someone says as they step into my line of sight. "Leave me alone." I say dully and turn on my heel to see someone else there. "Shit," I say under my breath. He slams me against the wall "Well that's no way to talk now is it?" he says, reeking of alcohol. Just then a whirl of red and blue grabs the  guy off of my and webs him to the wall. Holy fricking crackers its spiderman. "Hey are you ok?" Spider man asks me. "Uh yeah, well iv really got to get home." I say awkwardly. "See you around?" Spider man says. "Hopefuly not like this." I say and turn on my heel. His voice sounded vaguely familiar.

I open the door to see my mom there awaiting me looking stressed. "Where were you?" She asks. "Sweet Things Café. Why are you so worried?" I ask. "I just worry, you know that Sam." she replies. "Well, im perfectly fine. What's for dinner?" I ask.


Hey sorry I know its a bad chapter but I don't write often. this is my second time writing this cause my first one got deleted.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2019 ⏰

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