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A mediator job is to help solve problems and disagreements, and keep the peace within the Clan they also choose which deputy gets to be leader once he/she dies. They only way to become Mediator is to be the son of the previous one.

The Clan's proxy not only leads the Clan but also The Leader receives signs from their warrior ancestors in the Cave of Shimmering Water and to become the Leader you must be a deputy.

The deputies are the cats second in command to the Proxy. They learn to read the stars, interpret omens and prophecies as well as learn the history of the clan. They never leave the camp unless told to and are often in the elders den or Nursery telling stories of the past. Alway one male and one female but they don't have to be mates.


A trello is a cat of each gender older then 10 moons learning to be a deputy. They do the same then as deputies as well as train with a cat from each rank to master all skills. Have to keep the paw suffix until a deputy becomes proxy or dies.

Healer's are clan cats who treat diseases and injuries. They have their own tunnel in clan, where they sleep, store herbs, and treat wounded or sick cats. They also grow edible plants and herbs.

Prey-hunters are the lithe, quick cats of the Clan who can jump high to catch birds to feed to their clanmates. Prey-hunters are clan cats whose only duties are to catch prey for the tribe. They are the hunters of the Clan, using stealth and surprise along with camouflage to catch their food. It is their responsibility to feed the Clan and catch their prey, especially for the nursing cats, and the young and old. They depend on speed, for there are not many places to hide in the almost-bare surroundings. Normally prey-hunters hunt in teams to help catch prey. A group of cave-guards accompany them to spot trouble. Prey-hunters are chosen from birth for their lithe and agile build.

Cave-guards are thick, strong, and lean cats that protect and guard the entrance of the Clan. They are the main fighting force of the Clan and have the responsibility of defending the cave from predators such as big birds. Watching the skies to protect the prey-hunters from hawks and eagles while they hunt is another one of their responsibilities. They are also the most experienced with fighting. These cats are chosen from birth for their muscular, stocky build and long sharp claws.

Tunnelers are usually the smallest cats of the clan, who spend most of their time in the tunnels underneath clan's territories. The role of a tunneler is considered special among the catd. Tunnneling is a skill highly prized among the clan, because it was easy to get lost in the darkness and vanish forever down a bottomless hole. These cats are chosen from birth for their strong claws, long thin tails and small build.

They are young cats in training. Apprentices are trained in either prey-hunting, cave-guarding or Tunneling . They train with their mentors and learn the skills of what they have to learn. When they are finished training, they are made into either rank by the proxy and mediator. ForestClan cats believe that they are born into their duty, though they can change positions. They start training at the age of eight moons.

Queens are she-cats who are about to have or are nursing kits. A she-cat becomes a queen when they become heavily pregnant and they can't continue with their duties. When they have their kits, they remain kit-mothers for a time to nurse them. An ancient tradition is that the queens name their kits after what they see when their kits are first born.

Elders are the oldest and weakest cats in the Tribe. Elders are retired cats that have stopped doing their duties. They are often consulted in difficult times.The elders of the Tribe have a very similar role to the elders of the Clans. They are fed by the Prey-Hunters and Tunnlers while also protected by the Cave-Guards.

Kits are young cats that are not yet Apprentices. They are too young to do apprentice duties so they stay in the nursery with their mother. Kits stay a kit for eight moons. At their birth, it is foretold by the Proxy if they will become a prey-hunter, a cave-guard or tunneler. Kits that seem fast and lithe are prey-hunters; kits that look strong will be cave-guards and kits that have short bodies and long thin tails are tunnlers. They can be apprentices when they are eight moons old.

About names
Th clan has normal clan names but their shorten to just the prefix

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