Ch. 5 The new girl is my old enemy or new rival? Or both? part 1/2

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Hi everybody! I am so sorry for not updating a lot. I'm a 9th grader and I went to a high school. The high school that I am attending is Lawndale high school! So if you think you know me say hi to me! But if you're shy that's ok! Anyways high school is hard you have more homework and more projects. So thats been slowing me down. And I'm a MSA student too. MSA students are students that are learning about the ocean. And MSA stands for marine science academy! So that also keeps me busy and the past 4th week of this month we dissected a shark so that was really cool. And I have 2 images of the shark, one is before we do anything, and the other image is the sharks organs. So if you want to see that, just tell me and in the next chapter I will add them. Anyways Happy late Halloween! And Happy late Thanksgiving! ^^

Let's start with the story!

*Flashback at what happened in part 3 of chapter 4*

No one's pov:

"Hey Shu can you please leave me and Y/N alone." Lui told Shu. "What are you talking about Lui? You won the "Bet" and you get to date Y/N!" Shu told Lui with a pissed off expression. "I know but she still likes you! So can you please date another girl to make Y/N jealous" Lui said with a smirk.

*End of flashback of Chapter 4 in part 3*

Now let's start the chapter!

"You want me to date another girl to make Y/N jealous?" Shu asked Lui as he crossed his arms. "Yeah is there something wrong with that?" Lui asked as he pretended to be clueless. "Yes there is something wrong with that Lui! Listen Lui I am not going to do that because I love Y/N more than anything in the world! And I wouldn't do stuff that makes her feel sad or heartbroken! So good bye Lui!" Shu said as he turned around and walked away from Lui.

Once Shu was gone Lui looked around and made sure that nobody was watching him. And once he felt good he got his phone and dialed a number.

??? Pov:

"Hello?" "Rember me?" a voice said. "Wow if it isn't the famous Lui Shirasagi, what a surprise? *giggle* How may I help you?" I said as I laid down on my bed. "I have some good news for you!" "What's the good news? Are you transferring to my school? Or are you going to vist me? If you are that makes me feel happy...!" "You're not even close!" *laughs* "What's so FUNNY Mr.Shirasagi! I swear to god, if you called me for a stupid prank, I will end you!" I said as I was getting pissed off.

"Relax *******, the good news is Shu is not dating Y/N anymore" "You're kidding right? I know Shu so well, like the back of my hand. He will never dump that stupid lame girl!" "No believe me, he dumped her because me and him betted and I won the bet!" "So what was the bet about?" I asked as I was looking at my nails. "The bet was about if I won on the battle that we were going to have, I get to have Y/N~ So long story short I won and I got to have Y/N all for myself!"

"Congratulations Lui on breaking those 2 up! *sigh* "Thank god Y/N is not dating Shu anymore! Thx Lui!" "No problem I always wanted to date Y/N! Oh, I almost forgot I have another good news for you!" "Spill it Lui!" "So today I told Shu to date another girl, and he said he won't, but I know he is going to date a girl. So that girl has to be you!" "Ok! I will get my plan in motion, I have been waiting for this since forever! Bye Lu-"

"Wait I have something to give you" "What is it?" "A recording of me and Shu's conversation. You know what to do~" "I know, send it to me later ok?" "Ok!" "So bye Lui see you soon~" I hanged up and I looked at the wall. "Get ready Y/N, Shu is going to be mine! And you will suffer!" *laughs* *ding* "Oh Lui already sended me the recording? That's perfect!"

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