The truth

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"How did you make this happen so fast Jackson" you asked.

"Well i did alot of overtime babe, once i made enough to buy the plane ticket i had to come see you.

You lock your hands around Jackson's neck and kiss him.

I'm only staying for 3 days tho baby, then I'd have to go back home." Jackson whispered as he held you close.

"Well, as long as i have you here now that's all that matters" you replied.

You decided to show Jackson around the neighborhood.

Yoongi's POV
You see Y/N and Jackson outside She looked so happy. But why did you feel upset. You felt a little jealous. But you shouldn't be. You shouldn't feel this way. Why does this girl drive you crazy? You've only known her for awhile. Snap out of it yoongi. Get your shit together man!!
End of POV

The following morning you both head to the mall. Everything was perfect. You finally had Jackson and you were sure as hell going to enjoy every second with him.

You both walk into the music store to check out some music.

"Hey baby I'm going to the bathroom" you said.

Yoongi feeling kinda bummed about not being able to hang around you, walks into the music store like he does every Saturday. He didn't know he'd see Jackson there. He notices you're not there. Yoongi wanted things not to be weird, he wanted to formally introduce himself to Jackson. He felt bad for being a little rude to Jackson.

As yoongi was about to make his way towards Jackson he saw him talking to some random girl.

"Maybe you can text me sometime or hang out? We can find something fun to do" the girl told Jackson.

Yoongi's eyes grew wide. He hoped Jackson would tell this girl off.

Jackson was smirking and gazed at the girl. "Look i have to be honest i have a girlfriend" Yoongi's eyes softened, okay Jackson you did the right thing.

"But what she don't know won't hurt her" he says as he winks at the girl.


Y/N walks back into the music store. She bumps into Yoongi not paying attention.

"Oh shit my bad- OH HEY Yoongi! What are you doing here?" you asked.

Yoongi didn't respond. He looked angry. Pissed!

Jackson notices you came back and walks towards you.

"Hey babygirl, took you long enough"

"Yeah i know the line was long" you said.

You fixed your eyes back to Yoongi. He was staring at Jackson with so much anger.

"So you're the one and only Min Yoongi that's lucky enough to spend all his time with my girl" Jackson said.

Yoongi still didn't respond. Balling his fists.

"Yoongi is everything alright with you" Y/N asked.

Just then Yoongi punches Jackson in the face. Him and Jackson going back and fourth with the punches.

"Yoongi STOP IT" you yelled.

Yoongi wasn't listening.

You forced yourself inbetween them.

"I said STOP!"

The mall security arrived taking them both away.

After a few hours of filling out paperwork they were both released. They were lucky they didn't get arrested.

Walking up to Jackson you say "Baby you okay?"
Yoongi scoffs.
"WTF is wrong with you Yoongi? Why did you punch Jackson?"

"Why don't you ask your not so perfect boyfriend that question"

"What are you talking about?" you asked confused.

"Your prick of a boyfriend was flirting with some girl"

"Is this true ?" you asked

"Of course not baby, some girl came up to me thought i worked there"

"BULLSHIT" yoongi yelled back.

" Your crazy man, the only reason you punched me is because you obviously like Y\N" jackson said.

"I would never hurt y/n"

"I know what i saw" yoongi responded.

Jackson would never, would he?

"Lets go" you said.

Jackson would never hurt you. He promised.

"You believe me right ?" yoongi asked.

"Yoongi, i know Jackson would never hurt me"

" you're clueless Y/N, you'll see for yourself"

"Fuck off" replied Jackson

"Good luck with him and don't bother to come around when you find out the truth" yoongi says as he leaves.

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